고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
2008. 4. 9. 22:50
EraseTemp is a utility that automatically deletes old temporary files from your computer.
After helping people with computer problems I discovered that many computers had a lot of old temporary files. This wastes space on your hard drives and could be a stability problem.
One solution to this can be to just delete them in Autoexec.bat but some installations depend on files in the Temp directory to finalize an installation. A simple delete could make these applications to stop working. That’s why we started working on EraseTemp.
If you just run the application it deletes everything older than one day in the Temp folder(s). It looks in you personal Temp folder in Documents and Settings, the Temp folder in the Windows folder and, if present, C:\Temp.
It also removes old dump files by default.
You can also use EraseTemp to delete old files, any number of days old, in any folder. The command prompt arguments are listed here.
What's New in EraseTemp :
· /RegEx - Delete the files that matches the RegEx
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