Holic Story

1988 Seoul Olympics Opening - Hand in Hand (official song)

고진감래 [苦盡甘來] 2008. 5. 23. 16:20

모까페에 들렀다 88 서울올림픽 주제가에대한 동영상과 그에대한 외국인들의 반응을 본글이있었습니다

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그리고 유튜브에 올라와 있는 댓글들 까지 올립니다


jrcnd (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I think was the best openning cerimony that I ever seen in all my whole life. Its amazing..incredible..very strong emotions

violayan (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Agree. I'll never forgot it for my whole life.

Kobitoloi (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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i must crying, that is so cool

neomarianasarias (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Cool song.

downwiz2 (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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1988. the year south korea was born.

Jalban (9 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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i'd say reborn but i see what you mean

lightemup (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I'm trying to forget the 80's...

singingindark12 (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Why is that? Did your boyfriend break up with you on that decade? j/k. FYI, I was born on 80s in Seoul.. Have a great day :)

ca12 (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I am so excited!!!
I haven't listen to this song many times before, because I was at my age of 3 at that time in China. I just know the song "hand in hand", it just sounds familiar to me. But two days ago, I heard my idol singing this song in a ceremony,then I was almost crying. The song really moved me to tears.She sang it good,but I think this song belongs to Korean people then I search for this original video,and it's so amazing to me !

simbrow (7 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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ca that is ok that is ok to cry see it shows u are strong not weak. do u know i salute when the olympic flag goes up chills go up & down my spine when it lowers i really cry the tears are flowing from my face it is very moving MAY I CALL U MY BROTHER I LIVE IN CANADA I MARCHED IN THE OLYMPICS 1976 1984 1988

ca12 (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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A great ceremony!!! I feel the Olympic is coming! I can feel your hearts beating together loving your country! And I wanna say let us hand in hand, not only you guys in Korea,but also the whole world. We wish a peaceful and "hand in hand" world. It's a great song really!!!

ca12 (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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And I wanna ask you a question, is the meaning of lyrics in Korean the same as it is in English? Because I don't speak Korean. Thank you!!!

zebestpilot (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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The lyrics are the same.

euzicos (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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yes. it's similar. i added the lyrics of kor and eng version. enjoy it.

germanmarcojohan (10 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Not the same. the 1st part in korean and the 2nd part in english, they're not the same meaning. You can check Koreana's M/V, then you can figure out what they sang in the 1st part.

euzicos (10 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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i meant that the same verses in each languages are similar.. isn't it? it's a matter of course that each verses isn't same. =)

regifull (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Que saudade... Essa foi a mais bela cerimônia que assisti... Parabéns ao responsável pelo vídeo postado.

LightFinder (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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hoohoohoo asian people is soooooooooooo cool!!!! They do everything right!

Schimon (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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does anyone know where one can download this song?

weedle30 (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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The best song I've ever heard. It's so beautiful!!!!

galactica2006 (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Yes it was a great ceremony. The rhythm and lyrics are very strong. When i watched it on 1988, i felt inspired. Truly i think this seoul olympics 88 was best presentation ever.

jookyoungjo (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I play this song over and over, and never get tired :) It's the best olympic theme song ever and also was the best olympic game I have ever seen.

lekyz (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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jookyoungjo you're right it's also the best olympic theme i've ever heard. Very good remembers 1988 the year i've started Taekwon do!!
Steve, Paris, France, Europe

bsp1148 (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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This theme song is incredibly moving that I can't stop my tears. It is well composed, and superbly executed by the fabulous Korean singers. I feel so pround of them all. My heart-felt many thanks to all Koreas who have given everything they've got to make this 88 olympic game such a resounding success. Love you all.

21stCenturyKnight (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Just great! I heard this song the first time in nearly 19 years (i was 5 at the time of the seoul olympics) - stumbled accross it when i was searching through my brothers 80ies albums :)

NoHeejin (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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god...if south korea could have the olympics again...I just imagine: Ssai doing the theme song, muahhahaa, would be awesome!

cafuringa4 (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I have to agree, best olympic theme ever!

ayshaella (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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what does arirang in korean mean?

euzicos (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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it just a interjection. it implies happiness, sorrow, lamentation and so on in traditional korean poem

psk1373 (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Hand in hand we stand start to understand~
zzzz I love it dude

lsalabust (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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this is great! the best olympic game theme song ever! where can i find this song?

deukorea (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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i can send you a mp3 file if you give me your e-mail address

evilxpea (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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wow alot of memory...i love dis song...

jasonsw (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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i dunno why, but this song makes me wanna cry in joy. so uplifting and empowering.
2002 world cup was awesome too! too bad i couldn't experience in in Korea or L.A. though I live in L.A.! shame on me!
where can i find this in KOREAN lyrics only? mp3 that is.

HawthornArtists2007 (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Totally unbelievably awesome!!
I want to burst into tears of joy and pride when I listen to this song.
I love Koreans they are so cool.

gymnocalysium (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Great song, i actually have the album.
memorable olympic, also the boxing scandals

victoraas (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Beautiful . I am criyng . This is the spirit !!!

kkangandy07 (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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1988..the year I was born

swt421 (1 년 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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man! this makes me wanna go to the olympics!! 2008 maybe? Well i guess vancouver in 2010 would be cheaper for me..

baconleetw (11 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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In 1988, I also just was born in China. Watches the Olympic Games not with
enough time

superkattylennon (11 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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GReat Song definitely....

aoknives (11 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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i got teary while watching this. As a korean, I never realized how rapidly s.korea had economically evolved since the war in the 50's, i guess it was a revolutionary moment for us koreans. Plus, my father competed in the 88 olympics. Wish i was there, but my mom was probably in the hospital giving birth to me while this even was going on ^^;;

LucaYune (11 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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the reason why you guys cry is that; we are hunger for peace in the world. look at those people from all around the world with their traditions. isnt that the true heaven and peace ? we are having a party with music

bemyguests (11 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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i havent seen this before!! but i love the song!!!

maraujo1984 (11 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Oh My God!!! I'm Turning back to 1988 when I was 5 years old!!!! WOW!!!!

pinochetista78 (11 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Wow, i was 9 years old for the olimpic games in Seoul, and loved that song, unfortunatelly i wasnt able to find this song until 1 week ago, thank yu so much. Greets from chile

brushstrong (11 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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best of the olympic song,ever !

aleuzenev (11 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Here In Peru, Our women volleyball national team was competing for the gold match volleyball against Usrr. Unfortunately, we lost that exciting match. That song makes me cry cause I remember that day in Hang yan university coliseum. I always watch the video of the final women volleyball listening that song at the same time. I love Hand in Hand.
Greets from Peru

sw00p99 (11 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Nostalgia brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for the upload

kohybrid (11 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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The tradational drum beats and the lady's humming voice near the end of song before the last chorous ... makes my goose bumps.. That's what Olympic songs all about.. I am loving every moments..Thanks for it..

forzacorean (11 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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eurasian73 (11 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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very nice song. korea did a nice job during the 1988 olympics.

wangquanquan (11 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I really expect Andrew Lloyd Webber compose the music for Olympic Game next year,and sarah brightman sing it.

Cha2002 (11 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Korea organized A LOT of performers. I hope we can do that again. There were much less people organized for the 2002 World Cup. Maybe it's harder to do that in Korea now.
I like how they included all those tradional performers and mascots from around the world. 1988 was the first time I saw the Arabian sword dance, and the French on stilts.

kpchris (10 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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best song ever.....Korean Pride

alex7193 (10 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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KOREAN PRIDE MAN... i wasn't born when this happened... but this is so cool

rockies77 (10 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I see Sam The Eagle, from Los Angeles 1984. Of course, there is Hodori, the tiger. What is that other mascot(s) that were there in this video?

zzfinance (10 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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the best opening I've ever saw and hear for such a world level ceremony. Great song and performance in every aspects.

Luke0701 (10 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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the song is culmination of the 80's! love the song...why wasnt it a hit in US? we all watched the olympics here, right?

wksak (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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US not saled this song.
US saled fake official song that made by US

guyboyish (10 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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This song is so beautiful it was a mark in my life when i watching this opening i was only 13 y/o in my country Brazil and i loved when i saw our delegation coming in that stadium i was so proud also for the awsome opening with this unforgatable song by the korean people i never forgot this kept on sing this song even years later after the olimpics there was over!

ChristosM (10 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Good song about Olympics!

canada7167 (10 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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although i was not alive yet, this is one one my all time favorite songs. thank you for posting this

farfaletta (10 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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My high school was located in right cross from that Olympic Main Stadium. I remember those times, NBC people were stayed in our school building to broadcast. Wether was wonderful and there were people came from all over the world. The song was played everyday, but some reason that song I can't never bored of. It touched me every time I heard. It touches me even more now since I'm in abroad. Thanks for posting. I had a moment to enjoy the memories.

elprofe2904 (10 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Giorgio cuanto te agradecen mis oidos que los deleitas desde la decada del 70, hoy tengo 44 años y no deja de sorprenderme tu arte... Gracias por tanto

toyre (9 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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asia country make any competition ....they are produce a good song ....very emotion.....

donghemulga (9 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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donghemulga (9 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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donghemulga (9 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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pitsoon (9 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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it is the best olympic official song so far

chuy40 (9 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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its among the best with barcelona 92 and athens 2004

michinco (9 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I agree!

jollycorallo (9 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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i think that, the best olympic song is Barcelona 92'

yaoguanglv (9 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I prefer song of 96

sandro322 (9 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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i think that, the best olympic song is Barcelona 92' and blá, blá, blá ,blá because you are spanish asshole, culero !!!!

myhannahdotcom (9 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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this is the best olympic song ever.

jaegeulchun (9 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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make me cry everytime i watch

sj0808 (9 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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The lyric tells us what the "world" should be like

jioponti (9 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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best of the olympic song, real official song.

AnnLynnChan (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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yeah, nice song

heavenkai (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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wow-! This song IS great! That olympic is also very memorable for the first one that most countries had participated then.

heavenkai (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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wow-! This song IS great! That olympic is also very memorable for the first one that most countries had participated then.

Koreanest (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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only tears...

Nichen (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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my god! That made me cry many tears...

seagullgermany (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I remember when I was 11 and heard this song on radio. I couldn´t decide, if I like the song from Whitney Houston (one moment in time) much more than this one. This song gives me goose bumps!

alexovalle (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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wudomas (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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The Olympics: Celebrate Humanity!

jaegeulchun (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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conglates!!! u just marked 88th comment!! Seoul Olympic was held in 1988!!

masatsubame (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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When Seoul OLYMPIC was opened, I was 19 years old. I watched the broadcast of the Seoul Olympics on TV. I translated a text of this music and thought it to be very splendid. And I am impressed to listen some other time very much now that I passed for 19 years.

lechampiones (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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catch song

hanq2000 (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Fantastic !!!!!!!!!

pju0810 (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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1. Phrase
See the fire in the sky
We feel the beating of our hearts together.
This is our time to rise above
We know the chance is here to live forever for all time.
Hand in hand we stand all across the land
We can make this world a better place in which to live.
Hand in hand we can start to understand
Breaking down the walls that come between us for all time - arirang.

pju0810 (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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2. Phrase
Everytime we give it all
We feel the flame eternally inside us.
Lift our hands up to the sky
The morning calm helps us to live in harmony for all time.
Hand in hand we stand all across the land
Hand in hand we stand all across the land
Breaking down the - hand in hand - wall between us -
Hand in hand - breaking down the wall!

dreamscomtrue (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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namtsim (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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This song'z a pure MASTERPIECE ~!
Its lyrics are simple but still powerful, and it can move the hearts of those who listen to it even when it's twenty years past.

nadang221 (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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it is really good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

warnnie (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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i think "hand in hand" is the greatest olympic main theme any other. in that lyrics, i feel beating my heart.

biyeon0735 (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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하늘 높이 솟는 불 우리의 가슴 고동치게 하네 이제 모두 다 일어나 영원히 함께 살아가야 할 길 나서자 손에 손잡고 벽을 넘어서 우리 사는 세상 모두 살기 좋도록 손에 손잡고 벽을 넘어서 우리 서로 사랑하는 한마음 되자 손잡고

biyeon0735 (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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어디서나 언제나 우리의 가슴 불타게 하자 하늘 향해 팔 벌려 고요한 아침 밝혀주는 평화 누리자 손에 손잡고 벽을 넘어서 우리 사는 세상 모두 살기 좋도록 손에 손잡고 벽을 넘어서 우리 서로 사랑하는 한마음 되자 손잡고 손에 손~ 손잡고

biyeon0735 (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I made a mistke-_-;;; 우리 서로->서로서로

phytrie (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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the best olympics theme forever...

vanvanss (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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We know koreans like eating burnt doves..........haha

Highcourse (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Oh I see. Chinese!

vanvanss (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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hehe, take it easy, just a kidding. I have a good memory about when the torch was ignited many doves around it perished in the flame. Beijing olympic should try to avoid this happenning. And, I also remember China won just 5 gold medals in 1988, least ever in all the olympic games China attended, so, I hope korea will win less than 5....hehe, kidding again, best wish to korea brother in Beijing.

Highcourse (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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vanvanss//Are you Japs? Koreans doesn't eating burnt doves. a little knowledge is a dangerous thing ^^

gaoxiuyuan (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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this is the greatest song i have to say.

jasonagong (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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i like this song very very much,ThankYou!!

widorabitte (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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hermosa cancion tenia 11 años cuando la escuche en los juegos olimpicos y de verdad muy hermosoa la cancion hasta se me hace chinita la piel que bonito ver a todo el mundo unido con esta cancion
Gracias Dios por permitirnos vivir eso lindos momentos con la esperanza de que algun dia nos veremos como lo que somos hermanos

kangsoogi (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I remember that time when i was young. Awesome!! Beautiful Korea!! i wanna go there.

daniel2418 (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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dude you are a korean

camlux (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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i cant forget the song.. even i was young

SuperKoreanS (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I am korean, I am pride of korea because of that video

johnso0111 (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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vanvanss// IOC presented it was just an optical illusion. all of doves escaped from fire.

herbahn (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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oh ma gosh! Im so proud of myself being a korean right now! i knew this song , but i've never seen this before.... i love it X 100000000000000000000000

friendofItaly07 (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Best song ever used in the history of the olympic games...

dskim704 (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Whenever I see this video, I can feel the memory from old, old past in my DNA, or it might be a promise from far future, that there was(will be) a time when people lived under absolute understanding each other and peace. and the yearning for those happiest days which is as strong as that for the year 1988 always makes me choked with tears.

peterpoh (8 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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THE best oylmpic song around and I should congratulate the sing writer and the singers.
THEY ARE GOOD and it's one of the masterpiece and after 20 yrs, I still enjoy this song.

qjsrhlwjstk (7 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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love this video Korean rule!!!

HerrMiesmuschel (7 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Thiswas an really historical Olympic games , of course it was the las Olympic games whith two German Countrys (GDR and FRG)and the Sovjetunion ! Gdr was in the Medallist of those Games on the secound Place !

mastino26 (7 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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thnks to u tube i've been luking this song so long the first time i herd it wen i was about 6 or seven and it registered on my mind alredy wow!! after 20 yrs i found it thnks to korean composer for composing this song.its the best !!!!! hope it will play again in a olympic games..very inspirational song from kent. of philippines

mastino26 (7 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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this song is awesome the best after 20 yrs of luking i found it at last..the first i herd it wen i was 6 or 7 since den i've been luking this song even in a music store...thnks to u tube korean composer the best fro.kent of philippines...thnks

chesneychezz (7 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I agree with most of the comments here that this is the best Olympic song ever. Friends Forever the Olympic song for Beijing 2008 though is nice but pale in comparison with Hand in Hand

pinkaola (7 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I looooooove this song!

oboist80 (7 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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No doubt this is the best Olympics ever. I was only 8 back then, the music is still vivid in my memory after 20 yrs. Lots of respect to Korean people who held a successful Olympics, the country recovered quickly from Asian financial crisis in 1997.
When you are looking at the video. Perhaps we do have a duty to make this world a better place to live.....no matter where we come from.

oboist80 (7 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Try to find its music version....the electric guitar and korean drums make it souns fan-tas-tic!

chelsykwon (7 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Thanks for good comments on our olympic. As Korean, I'm so happy about that. That singer group is named 'Koreana' and the song title is 'Hand in hand'. Unfoutunately I was to young at that time. :-)

jockelinho (7 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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i still know this song.
the olympics in calgary, my first tvmemory;
the theme song of the korean games was my first from-radio-to-cassette-recorded-always-listen-to-s ong...those were the days...
go for gold in south korea go for gold in ´88...

simbrow (7 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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jaegeulchun (7 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Boycott Beijing Olympic!!!! and try not to listend to the official song for Chinese it's crap

simbrow (7 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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why my friend no insult do not be mad pls shall we boycott i believe in Peace BROTHERHOOD OF MAN LET US HOLD HANDS KEEP THE OLYMPIC SPIRIT ALIVE NO MORE BOYCOTTS WE ARE BROTHERS & SISTERS COMRADES. i am a canadian citizen

fanclubzone (7 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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There was another song.. not sure the title.. was in Sun of Korea? does anybody know? the chorus was something like 'When the Sun Comes Up In Korea, The Sun Goes Down in America, Love Last Forever'.. can someone message me if u know or have any info?? Thanks a mill.. ;o)

elvistar (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Yeah I know that song. The title is just "KOREA"., It's not official song and also famous too, but not as much Hand in hand. It is sung by Leslie Mandoki&Eva Sun. and Japanese singers SoJoDae sings too.

fanclubzone (4 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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ya! i got the song from limewire.. really nice.. so 80s disco beat.. brings back so many bitter-sweet memories.. thanks again elvistar :o)

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mthhc (7 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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답글 스팸으로 신고

seo tai ji - heffy end : best song all of the world! check my video !

togagurl18 (7 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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thanks for posting this video. i'm part korean and i was born a month before it started, so too bad i was just a baby! my mom has some Hodori memorabilia that my aunt probably sent. i absolutely love this song. i've never seen a clip from the 1988 olympics till today, and it was awesome!

theTraffix (7 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Glad to see all of you guys love this song. If you want to get mp3 file of this song I can send it via e-mail. Both Eng ver. and Kor. ver are available. Hope this can help you:-)

niceday5555 (6 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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wow! wonderful!!! best song!!

DokebiTeam (6 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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such an emotional song, gives me the chills when ever I listen to this song.

yongha1986 (4 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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same here,im nearly crying whenever its played on radio stations or youtube

swordfishHHHHHH (6 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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the song the dance i don't know why but the whole thing makes me thik of sandra oh weird

oboist80 (6 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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sandra oh is korean

uwe071974 (6 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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this is very great!!! and reminds my of my childhood!!!

KOREANA93 (6 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I'm koean
do you want a hand in hand mp3?
send my E-mail

MWislander (6 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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The best song of Olympic Games ever and one of the best of 80's

uscyko (6 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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this was definitely a wonderful opening. As a chinese, I am expecting the coming 2008 beijing Olympic will be another successful one!!

omerika100 (6 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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The best song of Olympic Games !!!! i love the song!!!very exciting !!!remind my childhood!!!

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sMstiah (6 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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답글 스팸으로 신고

This song make me crazy, i realy love tis song. its fuckin awesome... but i hate koreaqn coz they arrogant and bribe some more they like to eat dogs, cats, squirrel, porcupine and pork.... what kind of human in this earth can eat dogs... the human friend... i love North Korean because they patriotic to their nation and religion... south korean is pervert and usa puppet...

chamiri (6 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Although I am Korean, I never eat
what you expected.
Some Koreans eat dogs. Yeah. Truth is truth.
I do not hide the fact like Japanese.
However, do you know why my ancestors had
to eat dogs? For the farming is the answer.
You will be laughing. I don't like people
like you who consider people with one cultural

chamiri (6 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Than is it ok to call you rapist?
Cause U.S Army in Korea raped 2 girls and
smashed with their tank. With your logic,
I eat dog and you are rapist, you arrogant

wowwowthere (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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y dont u go get ur ass signed up for the KKK or NATZI or some shit. wtf have u accomplished in ur life to bash a whole fucking ethnicity.? piece of crap u dont even deserve to be called human. dip shit. south koreans are perverted?ur worth not even a fucking cent. who da hell do u think u are? welcome to the fucking 21st century learn to respect other cultures dip shit. eating chicken or cows is no fucking different. animals are animals. cats squirrels? go to china for that shit.

Oyo321 (6 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Korea will become reunited.

menachem3108442 (6 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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posionivy929 (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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God, that guy looked like Jackie Chan. LOL. Awesome.

rblanco94 (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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This song has a nice peace message very special, everybody on the world must lieasen this song, so whole people can understand tht it is very importante to acept all culture and forms to live of every country.
it is a beatufule song. The Peace on the world is comming to welcome

justidakrusti (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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God, that guy looked like Jackie Chan. LOL. Awesome.
>ROFL ^^

eatshityoutwo (4 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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AznYounKun (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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hey u haters, stop hating korea and lie about our history , we lasted more than 5000+ and took 1/3 of north eastern china, Khitan , or kokuryo, until 1990, china said nothing about our history, but since their economy and authority is rising up again, they are doing samething to us as what japan did, they are falsifying their history again, and those low-class youtube users from Japan and China,

xlife1115 (1 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I just don't think it's a good idea to talk about history and political issues at this place...
This is a place we sing and dance for world peace and friendship, even if it's an illusion.

dlrudaos (3 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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shut up chinese

minifin777 (3 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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shut up chinese

jookyoungjo (3 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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i'm korean. you shut up

macon4ever (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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The best song of the Olympics ever.
Peace in our world!

eatshityoutwo (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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This is such a beautiful song, period.

adora80 (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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im crying .....oh my God...memories.

yearn4love (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I hope its good memories though

frr2186 (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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god! i've been looking for this song for so long! i've heard this song for the first time when i was 5 or 6, although the song was released when i was only 2.
the best olympic theme ever. by far. it really shows us what olympic spirit must be.

wxsty (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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classic that is almost insurmountable

sineadfac (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Funny how we, who come from everywhere all looking for this song. I guess with the coming olympics, we remember this precious moment like no other. It seemed such an innocent time. I feel like crying whenever I hear this. A great tune. The best song from the olympics ever. I forgot the name of the mascot but I remember liking it a lot.

munchkin0518 (4 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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The mascot was a cartoon tiger with a traditional Korean hat on (the one that has a spinning cord. I remember because I was wearing a t-shirt with the mascot on it when I was three. lol.

summerrain2007 (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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me too...still remember when i used to wake up early just to listen to the theme song in tv before the actual event started..urg...really missed that moment...this song really bring back memories.......

wjdydgo06 (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Korean:정말 서울은 정말 좋습니다.
English:I am Really Seoul very good.

mation200 (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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roader76 (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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what a beautiful song, i just realized that this is an olympic theme during the 1988 Seoul Olympics, this was our graduation song when i graduated in elementary last 1989. i cried a lot!!!!!!!

hjn3401 (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Korea's Per head national income
2007 - 20,070 dollars (presumption)
2006 - 18,319 dollars
2005 - 16,500 dollars
2004 - 14,162 dollars
2003 - 12,720 dollars
2002 - 11,499 dollars
2001 - 10,160 dollars
2000 - 10,841 dollars
1999 - 9,438 dollars
1998 - 7,355 dollars
1997 - 11,176 dollars
1996 - 12,197 dollars

hjn3401 (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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1995 - 11,432 dollars
1994 - 9,459 dollars
1993 - 8,177 dollars
1992 - 7,527 dollars
1991 - 7,105 dollars
1990 - 6,147 dollars
1989 - 5,418 dollars
1988 - 4,435 dollars
1987 - 3,321 dollars
1986 - 2,643 dollars
1985 - 2,309 dollars
1984 - 2,257 dollars
1983 - 2,076 dollars
1982 - 1,893 dollars
1981 - 1,800 dollars

hjn3401 (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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1980 - 1,645 dollars
1979 - 1,676 dollars
1978 - 1,431 dollars
1977 - 1,034 dollars
1976 - 818 dollars
1975 - 602 dollars
1974 - 554 dollars
1973 - 401 dollars
1972 - 320 dollars
1971 - 290 dollars
1970 - 254 dollars
1953 - 67 dollars

siamkeowtan (5 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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经典 还有amigos para siempre 这两首最经典!!

eatshityoutwo (4 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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man, I love how some loser spammed you just because your comment was in Chinese. Fucking morons can't take a compliment

dsk (2 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Follow the advice in your name ..

marek7903 (4 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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hello from Poland

pawel19081908 (4 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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elo elo poland

einird (4 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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what a song, great lyrics aside, the melody is so much touching.

byeol69 (4 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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20년 가까운 세월이 흘렀는데도 그 감동이 아직도 생생하네요

ko2es (4 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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The international conference of Korea quite is energy one piece. 1988
Seoul Olympic successive top,2002 year World Cup the many nation to
participate the situation where 4 continents advance to 4 rivers
became accomplished. Korea is this endurance coat last division
nation. Meaning of peace becomes accomplished recently from Korea.

kw9533 (4 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Th lyric is so nice..
world peace..
KOREA rocks!!
Hand in hand we stand
All across the road
We can make this world
A better place in which to live
Hand in Hand we can
Start to understand
Breaking down the walls
That come between us for all time

syelamuscat (4 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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feel the fire in the sky we feel the flame eternally inside us .. lift our hands up to the sky.. the moment is come and chance to live in harmony for a long time
hand in hand we stand all across the land
we can make this world a better place in which to live...
hand in hand we can start to understand breaking down the walls that comes between as all the time.. ARIRANG!!
hand in hand... HAND in HANDDDDDD>>> by KOREANA the best olympic OST ever!!

panshel (4 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Awe-inspiring lyrics. What a poignant message.

estherfull (4 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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you're just jealous

smileyhappyme (4 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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wow...love the song...music..lyrics...both the singers are great..great voices...wow...

LucaYune (4 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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good job kim jung Ill

BrururuBruce (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Just so you know, Kim is from North Korea and the 88 Olympics took place in South Korea (Republic of Korea)

jk4Him (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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do you honestly think Kim Jung Ill will have a song like this sung at the Olympics (if there'll ever be one in North Korea)?

daewooleganza (4 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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It's a pity that my friends in my age think this song is rustic

proximacentauri2006 (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Is this a really popular song? I first heard it in Chinese sung by Taiwanese singers like S.H.E and LeeHom Wang, then I heard it being sung by Hangeng gege and Jang Ri jie jie at the 200 days thing for the 2008 Olympics, and now I see the Korean one from 1988 Olympics. So coolio!

jshiun84 (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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again, are u sure this song was sung by Leehom and friends? I don't think the melody's that similar that ppl make mistakes and think the 2 totally different songs are the same?

leileili (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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this is the olypmic theme song, their song was for SARS totally different songs

dsafdsw (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Chinese pop singers always sing a song from
Korea i don't like

jshiun84 (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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which current mainstream chinese pop singers actually sang this song?
if u are talking about "shou jian shou" composed for the SARS epidemic, u are gravely mistaken.

skyblue1203 (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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best olympic theme song ever!

marek7903 (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Hello from Poland

tgg963 (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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진짜 저거 이제 딱20년 됬네요. 진짜 저 감동 생생하다.

mollocayh (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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The Best olympic theme song!
Eu tinha seis anos na época e jamais me esquecerei dela. Me emociona até hoje!
Hello from Brasil!

zjawa30 (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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hello from Poland !!! this songs it's nice !

js0823 (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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The song was considered the most successful Olympic song in History. Topped 30 country's pop charts, stayed no.1 song in European chart for several weeks, and the Olympic opening itself was picked as the second most beautiful Olympic openings in Olympic history. Giorgo Morrode, at that time considered an incredible song writer, wrote this song for Koreana pop group.

wjddnek (2 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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thanks for infor ~ wow

pvdv2000 (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I liked to listen this song. and I didn't even know that it's Seoul olympics song. what a..

horacioserra (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Realmente emosionante recordar ese momento tan grato para todos. Muy bueno!

rymrose (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Itlogin jitlogin otlogon

SGD89 (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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the best !

Sangereal (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Fantastic song, I am looking forward to the Chinese olympics. They have so much manpower and will make it great.

djgukfan (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Great song! Are you going to Beijing?

bleachforlife (2 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I was gonna go to this summers one, but my dad said its going to be hot, and crowded so ill just watch it on tv, and WUSHU HAS JOINED OLYMPICS REAL MARTIAL ARTS!! XD

vicwen1983 (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Classic song!I'm also expecting the Beijing Olympics. Unluckily, propably at that time I will still study in Lancaster...."Hand in Hand"~great song!

steadyhotstepper (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I heard this song as a child and it was so deep i could never forget it. Beautiful song!!

hamsterchks (3 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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wow, this ceremony really symbolizes a peaceful and united world. excellent song

ceppeecuty (2 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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hi from the PHILIPPINES!
this song is so NICE!

marek7903 (2 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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The best song.hello from Poland

lechampiones (2 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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nice lyrics

lechampiones (2 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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nice lyrics

marek7903 (2 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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satomiro (2 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Great song, incredible!
...Hello fron BRAZIL...

ARNIEMILL (2 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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what ARIRANG does it mean, is anybody know the meaning or tranlation for it ??

bballmaster0610 (2 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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arirang is an english korean news channel =]

euzicos (2 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Of course it's a joking(bballmaster). The meaning is explaining on here. Find it =)

kigger622 (1 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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there really isnt a translation...there is no good translation for korean either

Hikari2876 (2 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Greatest Olympic theme songs ever!!!!

gdansk0512 (2 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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if you want this song or even other songs so search in google for "tubebox".. download and you will be able to download youtube videos as audio, mp3 or the whole video....
greetz from poland

KimKiYong (2 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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The absolute best Olympic theme song, ever!
Was stationed in South Korea during this same time and have traveled back and forth as a civilian since. It amazes me how much the 1988 Seoul Olympic games actually excelled that nation, right after their political change from authoritarian government to a democracy in December of 1987. So many great memories, an experience that will last a life time! 2nd Infantry Division.....Hoorah!

dlrldud (2 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Second to None!

CarlirioNeto (2 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Greatest Olympic theme songs ever!!!![2]
Curitiba / Brazil

taegooo (1 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I think it will be hard for all the future olympic song writers to make a better song than this... If not impossible, it's not very often a song can touch you like this:)

piggy1024 (1 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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It;s been already 20 year but I still remembered the touching moment that I coulcn't forget.

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Geistigebehinderun (1 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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답글 스팸으로 신고

In times like ours, when taxes take away most of your hard earned money, gambling - and especially poker - is a great way to get your hands on some cash. Register at Fulltiltpoker com and type in the JUSTMORE Referral Code: exclusive with this Referral Code you will receive an amazing $ 600. Now that´s the way I like earning money! Americans are very welcome there!!

TibetPartOfChina08 (1 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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One World, One Dream.

sw00p99 (1 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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My GOD!!! just got goosebumps.... beautiful memories just came rushing!!!!

sw00p99 (1 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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If only the people all over the world could live this song...what a beautiful world it could be

valoyu (1 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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정말 멋지다...한국인이란게 자랑스럽다...!!!

lkh8910zzang (1 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Sengleaboy (1 개월 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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CNN should show this video everyday, every hour and hopefully turn this shitty World into a better one.

taksoo2013 (3 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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손에 손잡고 감동적~~

minifin777 (3 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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it was very very beautiful song.. i couldnt forget that memory .. 88 olyimpic was very peaceful and sucessful.. beautiful

kswat77 (3 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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wonderful korea

sw00p99 (3 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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the 80's was really the time to be.... a very interesting decade

NympheaTina (3 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Hello from KOREA!!
That was the glorious moment of Humanity.
Also, I want the moment to be eternity in our everyone.
Don't forget. I love all you.
We are the same mankind on Mother Earth.
It is enough for me to love you.
Thanks for your existence.

donjeon (3 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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What a tremendous ceremony. The opening ceremonies have definitely become more glitzy with more lighting effects and big name stars, but I will always remember the above moment as the quintessential moment that defined the true spirit of the Olympic games.

UfreedomU (3 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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impressive song!!!
I like it

kofses (3 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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from japan

Mizizism (3 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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it is so immpressive how korean pl sing and this is unbelieveable i am chinese but i truly truly wish i am korean

hanryustorm (3 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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very impressive..
this is olympic

jookyoungjo (3 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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by the way, i love chinese. let's not hate each other. that's not the olympic mind

esteban3415 (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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88 Seoul olympic is really meaningful Olympic!
This olympic represents 'end of the cold war' and 'world peace'!
I hope IOC don't mash up olympic spirit...

therokmarine (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Best Olympic ever !!!

witchxtard1 (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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nanjido18 (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Is the band 'Koreana' still living in Switzerland?

therokmarine (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I heard they came back to Korea.

wyperiod (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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mom why am i crying?

sw00p99 (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Every time the bad news on tv seem overwhelming, i always tune in to watch this video, hoping things would be better in the future. i just hope people around the world would take the song into their hearts...and live its meaning. by then, perhaps we could start to see a better world. peace.

jOhNNyTheAlien (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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The world we dream of is now coming from Korea. Dont be afraid of future brother!
P.S I also watch that video whenver i feel sad about this world.

zagrebhr (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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me as well!

StanleyHugo90 (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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beijing olympic will be compared with this olympic,, dirty chink,,

google2com (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I thought most people compare it w/Athens 2004 olympic...but I might be wrong....although I know that the ticket for Beijing olympic is highest sale number in the history of Olympic...so we'll see:)

moshiso07 (1 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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You expect what? with a population of more than 1 billion of cockroaches.

google2com (1 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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just so you know, I'm not chinese...you racism jerk.

xiaotanli (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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It's so 1980s, awesome!

sarancha1 (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Let's Breaking Down the wall between us and North/South Korea. No War. Play Peace Music.

minifin777 (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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you are wrong..it is right "lets breaking down the wall between south korea and north korea"

sarancha1 (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Anyway. That's not a important thing to me.

z9korea (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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This is the festival of peace.
beijing olympic...lol

herbsky (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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best olympic song ever!

synergymaster (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Now I ain't grabing no man's hand, ya'll.

lkh8910zzang (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I'm proud of Korean..

synergymaster (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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synergymaster (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Did you noticed those tigers look so jolly.

synergymaster (2 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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However, I can't help but dance like those tigers.

lovemesoy (1 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I am so proud of that I am Korean!!!

synergymaster (1 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Totally! We could learn a lot from the world.

ebonygentleman79 (1 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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What a sea of humanity! Wonderful song to cap a memorable opening ceremony!

love9981 (1 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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88올림픽때! 정말...대한민국 모두 대단히 잘 치러냈었죠...저 '손에 손잡고'란 노래를 들으면 가슴깊이 아련한...잊고 있었던 추억이 떠올라 마음이 치유되는 감동을 받고,가슴벅찬 눈물이 나도 모르게 나와요.;;^^" (최고!!!!)

synergymaster (1 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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잘 치러냈었죠. 그때는 그때고 이제는 세상의 변동을 따라 현명하게 대처해야합니다. 멍청하게 있다가는 양놈 쥐쓰레기들한테 뒤통수를 뜯어먹히고 당신들의 딸들이 2만원 벌기위해서 양갈보행세를 한답니다. 세상을 보고 배울게 끝이없읍니다.

lishrimp (1 일 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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말씀이 지나치십니다.

wannabeyoshiki (1 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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awesome awesome awesome !!!
korean, they are something!

cheonson (1 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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다시 보니 더 큰 감동이!!!!

synergymaster (1 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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The humanity originated from Korea.

synergymaster (1 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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PS: Korean invented the tiger dance.

cheonson (1 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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please no Chinese here!!!

MichaelTadashi (1 일 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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And where do you think your great great great grandparents came from? Mars?

bonapart123 (1 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I will keep my fingers crossed for beijing olympic.

solomonsjl (1 주 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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This is the worst Olympics I've ever known,it was just as terrible as the 2002 World Cup held in this little country.Just full of cheats!

chesneychez (6 일 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Hello, London is not much bigger than Seoul. Korea, China and in general Asia should host future Olympics. Asian take this games seriously and Asians are more hospitable than western. Don't be arrogant, people will say exactly the same thing about London come 2012. I don't think London can't match the Olympic games held in Seoul and the upcoming one in Beijing.

Annihilator3x (6 일 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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that's really funny, another red commie named "italyasroma" from 100 other posts with same messege. Chinese are so sad....
Plz go kill more people and Tibet

MichaelTadashi (1 일 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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First go kill yourself.

MichaelTadashi (1 일 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Oh ya...let's not forget most if not all host country for any game cheat as well. And that's the reason we have the phrase "home advantage".

oglory (10 시간 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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racists like u loose in this world...

nobodyspartan (6 일 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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The adult version of 'its a small world'

jhatso (4 일 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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korea is one of the best countries in the world

synergymaster (3 일 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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I'm gonna dressed up like a tiger in the Beijing Olympic.

freshButtjuice (1 일 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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Can´t be toped.

ko2es (20 시간 전) 댓글 보기 숨기기

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The 88 Olympic Games is understood at the peaceful Olympic Games in which most races participated. and song is very peace.