Comodo Firewall Pro

고진감래 [苦盡甘來] 2008. 6. 2. 00:49

Comodo Firewall Pro is one of the smartest firewalls you can ever see. While providing answers to firewall questions, users usually do not understand the complex questions which involve complicated connection details like IP addresses, Ports, Application paths etc.

Comodo Firewall helps you to understand what is going on by analyzing each alert and providing you an intuitive, easily understandable Security Considerations section with each question it asks.
With its built-in application database, Comodo Firewall classifies more than 10.000 applications according to their risk level such as SAFE, SPYWARE, ADWARE etc. It is the only firewall which has such a big application database and which uses such a database to analyze the security risks.
Comodo Firewall Pro 3.0 is now more powerful, intelligent and easy to use than ever.
Features of Comodo Firewall 3.0 :
· Clean PC Mode
· Advanced Network Firewall Engine
· Host Intrusion Prevention System
· Powerful and intuitive Security Rules Interface
· Sleek New Graphical User Interface
· 'Smart' Popup Alerts
· Application Behavior Analysis
· Automatic 'Firewall Training' mode
· Windows Security Center Integration
· Self Protection against Critical Process Termination
· Application Recognition Database
· Automatic Updates
· Improved Firewall Event Logging
· Submit Suspicious Files to Comodo
What's New in Comodo Firewall 3.0.25 :
· FIXED! Windows Vista 64 UI Problems.
· FIXED! SafeSurf crashes applications on x64 based operating systems.
· NEW! COMODO SafeSurf Toolbar built on COMODO Memory Firewall technology
· FIXED! COMODO Firewall does not add files from network shares to pending list
· FIXED! COMODO Firewall does not log incoming ICMP packets properly
· FIXED! COMODO Firewall blocks everything when password protection is OFF and suppress options are ON
· FIXED! COMODO Firewall does not terminate active connections properly
· FIXED! COMODO Firewall firewall driver can not be installed properly in Vista operating systems
· FIXED! COMODO Firewall can be terminated when Windows XP is being shutdown
· FIXED! COMODO Firewall GUI does not appear properly on Windows Vista operating systems
· FIXED! COMODO Firewall GUI can truncate texts in 120 DPI
· FIXED! COMODO Firewall does not handle long filename properly
· FIXED! COMODO Firewall does not update the version correctly after being updated
· FIXED! COMODO Firewall crashes on exit
· FIXED! COMODO Firewall can cause BSODs when gameprotect rootkit triggers its self defense
· FIXED! COMODO Firewall can not verify digital signatures
· FIXED! Small problems in GUI
· IMPROVED! Clean PC Mode and Safe Mode: Improvements that lead to small number of alerts and pending files
· IMPROVED! Default Security policy so that Windows Updates do not lead to significant alerts

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Download [ Comodo Firewall Pro - 32-bit ]

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