
CryptoExpert 2007 Lite 7.6

고진감래 [苦盡甘來] 2008. 6. 9. 20:53

CryptoExpert creates encrypted virtual disks and these disks are visible as usual disks with drive letters (for example, G:, H:, Z:, i.e. with any drive letter that is not used by other system devices).

The data stored on a CryptoExpert disk is stored in the container file. A container is a file, so it is possible to backup a container, move or copy it to other disk (CD-ROM or network, for instance) and continue to access your encrypted data using CryptoExpert. Any free drive letter (or choosen letter) in the system may be used to mount and to open an encrypted file-container for access. When the virtual disk is opened, you can read and write data as if it were a conventional removable disk.
You can do anything with a CryptoExpert virtual drive that you can do with a normal hard drive; only that with CryptoExpert, the encrypted volumes require password authentication before the files become accessible.
Features of CryptoExpert 2007 Lite :
· Access to your files on virtual volume on the fly
· Mapping any free drive letter like G:, F:, K: for virtual volume
· Requires password authentication before the files become accessible
· Works with all Windows application - even DOS applications
· Really Fast
· Looks like normal hard drive
· One volume may be mounted at the same time
· Encrypted volumes can be backed up to tape, CD, etc
· Command line interface supports silent program execution, volume mount/dismount
· No need to encrypt/decrypt files. The encryption is transparent.
· Using optimized 32 bit drivers (works under WinNT/2000/XP only)
· Many encrypted containers can be placed on single hard drive and mounted/dismounted on demand
· Supports Blowfish, Rijndael, DES and Triple DES encryption.
· Ability to unmount volumes after specified time of user inactivity (to prevent unauthorized access to important files)
· Ability to unmount all volumes instantly on pressing specified 'hot' key
· Windows XP/2000 Hibernate function support
What's New in CryptoExpert 2007 Lite 7.6 :
· Added new program "Privacy Master" to the "Master Shredder" package. It cleans cache,cookies,typed URLs and etc for Internet Explorer and FireFox. It also erases other traces in system: Recycle Bin, Recently open documents history and etc.

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