
WinGuard Pro 2008 Free Edition 6.6

고진감래 [苦盡甘來] 2008. 7. 27. 09:15

With WinGuard Pro you can password protect your programs, windows and web pages in one easy to use program!

What's more, there is also encryption for your personal files and folders. It offers an all-in-one security solution for your computer. With extra features to lock the desktop, boot keys, task keys, blocking software installations and internet access. WinGuard Pro 2006 comes in a Free and Premium edition.
Features of WinGuard Pro 2008 Free Edition 6.6:
· Built-in programs: There are over 25 or the most common programs built-in for locking on the free version. Whilst premium users get over 50 built-in programs.
· Lock your own programs (Premium only): You can also add any of your own programs for locking. Though many are built-in.
· Fully configurable: The software comes with it's own Configuration tool, which is very user friendly, and if you get stuck there is a Help menu to hand.
· Password timer: You can set in seconds how long you want to give users to enter the password to access any locked programs. This can help deter hackers.
· Screen blank: You can have the screen blank in emergencies, this prevents any use of the computer, and blacks out the screen only leaving a password box to access the entire system.
· Hide access to the configuration tool: You can stop users from accessing the configuration tool by setting your own password on it. You can also stop them trying to guess the password by disabling the icon on the system tray.
· Extra Locking: Did will tell you about Extra Locking? This lets you lock even more features down on your PC. Such as the Desktop, My Computer, Internet Access, Internet Downloading, Software Installations and much more.
· Stop people installing software (Premium only): This is a must have for those of you who are sick of users installing software on your computers without your consent. With this feature just a simple click is all that's needed and the software will disable Setup programs, Installers, Self Extracting Exe's, Zip files, the lot.
· Help prevent viruses: Using the above feature to stop software installs, this will help prevent such viruses that may be contained in program the user is trying to install.
· Lock Files & Folders too: Keep users out of files or entire folders using the optional addon.
· Online help: Get help fast using the online help feature.
· It's easy to use: It will not bite! It is very easy to use, and looks nice too.
· 24 hour technical support: You can also email us for help, and our friendly staff will get back to you promptly.
· It's free: WinGuard Pro 2006 is as it states FREE! There is no time limits, or restrictions in the free version what so ever.
What's New in WinGuard Pro 6.6 :
· Tweaks section includes many tweaks for Windows such as Disable Start Button
· Locking of Third Party Web Browsers and File Downloads
· 128 Bit AES Method for extra secure your personal files
· Password protect web pages as well as programs with Access Control settings
· Windows Vista Compatible
· Secure Uninstaller
· Program Tampering secured - prevents users trying to kill the software
· Plus many more fixes and improvments