
SCARABAY 3.078 Beta

고진감래 [苦盡甘來] 2008. 11. 9. 20:54

SCARABAY is a versatile password manager which saves and protects logins, passwords and any secret information.

Features of SCARABAY 3.07:
Security & Encryption
· Storage of any confidential information (logins, passwords, E-Mail, URL, credit card number, …).
· Data file encryption. Data Password protecting.
· For enciphering specially developed algorithm is used.
· Multiuser working mode lets any member user save its personal data and passwords separately with unique settings. So, you can create personal accounts to each member of your family.
· All information is stored only at your computer or USB-flash drive. No personal data will be send to developer.
· Generates random passwords that hackers cannot guess. Avoid repeated and similar characters. Specify of characters (upper/lower letters, digital, special characters, etc.). Save generation settings for each categories.
· Change Master (User-Account) Password.
· Print your master password via screen Keyboard and no one program will gain access to your personal data. If a keylogger is installed on your computer and it is monitoring keyboard events for passwords, it will get no keyboard clicks and your master password will be protected.
· If SCARABAY minimized into the System tray, you can: to forbid automatic filling a login and the password SCARABAY button located on the panel of tools IE, to demand input of the password of an account at deployment from system tray. It will protect your passwords from strangers if you have departed from a computer.
Password Management System
· It stores any logins, passwords, E-Mails, URL, notes in encryption file.
· Tree-like data representation. You can change icons for folders and records. To create new folders, folders in folders, records and to move them on a tree by means of buttons or drag-and-drop. Sorting of records and edit.
· Friendly and easy-to-use interface helps you feel yourself comfortable. Creative skins are supported. Download skins and choose one you like.
· Automatic backup the password database. On set time or at closing the program and change of the user.
· Multiuser access to the password database. Switch between users quickly.
· SCARABAY minimized into the System tray.
· Quickly viewing of data.
· Remembers last user(account), at following start of the program establishes its settings.
· Runs from USB-flash drive, no install needed. You can copy the program on a removable device. Take SCARABAY with you and keep your passwords to hand. Your passwords are always with you.
· Saves all the settings changed by the user(Account).
· Import of data early versions 2.X.
Autofilling functional
· SCARABAY autofills login and password with one click. SCARABAY supports fills browsers: Internet Explorer, Maxthon Browser, Avant Browser, NetCaptor, Netscape.
· SCARABAY browser integrate Internet Explorer, they host SCARABAY button. Click on the button located on the panel of tools IE automatically will fill a login and the password.
· Drag-and-drop function gives you an opportunity to "drag" password, login, E-Mail, URL and "drop" it exactly to the field. Drag-and-drop identity fields to any forms and also where it is possible to enter the text into any place.
· One click will remember URL webpage with a login and password.
· Automatic backup the password database.
· SCARABAY is portable and it works from removable drives, such as USB-flash drive and others. Runs from USB key, no install needed. Simply copy a folder of the program on flash drive. Take your passwords and personal data with you.
· Send account file to another computer or to another person you want to share your data.
What's new in SCARABAY 3.05 Beta:
· Full new interface.
· Tree-like data representation.
· New encryption.
· Screen Keyboard.
· Navigate your browser drag-and-drop click to the login page.
· Autofills login and password with one click.
· Quickly viewing of data.
· Skinnable.
· Browser integrate Internet Explorer, they host SCARABAY button.
· If SCARABAY minimized into the System tray, you can: to forbid automatic filling a login and the password SCARABAY button located on the panel of tools IE, to demand input of the password of an account at deployment from system tray.
· Automatic backup the password database.
· One click will remember URL webpage with a login and password.
· Open URL in browsers: IE, FireFox, Netscape, Opera, Avant Browser, MyIE2, Mozilla, Maxthon, NetCaptor.
· Drag-and-drop function: E-Mail, URL.
· New fields E-Mail, notes.
· Import of data early versions 2.X.
· New asterisks.