Jetico Personal Firewall

고진감래 [苦盡甘來] 2007. 12. 13. 12:33

Jetico Personal Firewall v.2


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New features in Jetico Personal Firewall v.2



Jetico Personal Firewall is unique rule based firewall on the market. Its open confuguration does not contain hidden rules and dependencies. You can inspect or modify every bit of configuration.

In addition to real-time statistics, Jetico Personal Firewall displays real-time rules activity information. Logging subsystem allows user to trace down any firewall event.

Jetico Personal Firewall uses multiple level filtering scheme to provide highest protection level. Jetico Personal Firewall outperformed Zone Alarm, Outpost and other well known products in independent tests: personal firewall test results. personal firewall test results.

Jetico Personal Firewall works on 32bit and x64 Windows Vista/XP/2003 Server/2000

New features in Jetico Personal Firewall v.2


Jetico Personal Firewall v2 runs as privileged Windows service. It can protect computer before user logon.

Native support for Windows XP Fast User Switching and Terminal Services.

Jetico Personal Firewall supports Access Control Lists for all main functions. Administrator can configure ACL to grant access to particular firewall functions for any user or group.

Windows XP Service Pack 2 Security Center support.

Jetico Personal Firewall

User interface

Improved rule editing interface.

New popup message. The new look for popup dialog is presented. Popup message text and rule creation options can be modified.

Firewall variables formerly controlled by Configuration Wizard, are integrated into main application window.

Language file support for easy localization. All translatable words and phrases are taken from single UTF-8 encoded text file.


New XML-based open configuration file format. Detailed documentation is available upon request.

The new version maintains single protected firewall configuration for all users.

Simplified controls for configuration.

New hash handling scheme. Separate table for hash checking.

Each firewall filtering layer has own root table.

New automatic variables (per-connection) for local connections are supported.

Firewall rules

Rules support lists of parameters where possible.

IP rules support IP address ranges.

Low level protocol rules support filtering by MAC address.

Application rules have events for direct and indirect access to network. Indirect access details are also available.

New module for hash checking created.

Application, Process attack and Hash checking rules support wildcards in file paths.

Logging subsystem

Log entries can be associated with rule.

Firewall can create rule based on log information.

New WELF-compatible text log format. WELF is supported by many log analyzers.

Improved log control.


Jetico Personal Firewall supports easy localization. At the moment it is translated to the following languages:

Software Interface Translator
Help File Translator

Jetico, Inc.
Jetico, Inc.

Brasilian Portugese
Milton Chaves de Almeida

Chinese Simplified

Patrick Leloup

Dobry Den

Jetico, Inc.

If you want to make Jetico Personal Firewall v.2 speaking your native language and more useful for your compatriots, please contact our Technical Support:

11-December-2007 | v.

Vista SP1 and Windows Server 2008 support.

Jetico Personal Firewall v.1 hook detector added to 32-bit version.

Sending message to another application detected. "Breakout" tests passed.

ARP stateful filter parameters can be changed via registry now.

Problems with network connections after installation on Vista systems fixed.

Hook detector hangup on SMP Vista systems fixed.

PFN_LIST_CORRUPT blue screen on Vista systems fixed.

Memory leak during uninstallation on Vista systems fixed.

Stability at high load improved.

Policy combobox behavior fixed.

Configuration template updated.

출처 :

외산 방화벽이다 코모도 사의 개인용 방화벽과 함께 최상위 클래스를 형성하는 제품이다

한글지원이 되지 않지만 이역시 사용법은 어렵지 않다

초급 유저들에게는 방화벽 사용을 그다지 추천하고 싶지는 않는다

너무 이런 제품들에 민감하다 보면 오히려 컴퓨터에 종속되는 느낌을 가질수도 있다

이제품은 상용제품이다 무료제품도 존재하지만 무료제품은 1버전대의 제품으로 성능은

누설테스트 결과 약간 차이가 나는걸로 보인다 개인적은 테스트하거나 할수없어서 해외테스트

결과를 기준으로 이야기 했다 내가 사용해본 봐로는 방화벽성능은 귀찬게 많이 하는 제품일수록

누설테스트의 결과가 좋게 나오는 듯한 인상을 받았다 이제품역시 초기 설정을 잘하지 않는이상

무진장 귀찮게 할것이다