Jetico Personal Firewall v.1 free

고진감래 [苦盡甘來] 2007. 12. 13. 12:38

Jetico Personal Firewall v.1


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Jetico Personal Firewall v.1 is the most powerful and flexible personal firewall for legacy Microsoft operating systems: Windows 98, Me, NT 4.0. Take a look at independent firewall leak test results:

Jetico Personal Firewall is designed to give the user full control over the networking subsystem. The key principles are rule based stateful filtering, open configuration, detailed logging and live statistics.

Open configuration means: no hidden rules or dependencies. User can inspect and modify every bit of Jetico Personal Firewall configuration. In conjunction with rule based filters it gives the user unpreceded control over network related events. Fine grained logging and statistics simplify both network events and firewall configuration analysis. The unique live statistics display which firewall rules are applied in the realtime.

Jetico Personal Firewall

All these things combined together makes more that powerful firewall - the ultimate tool to protect and monitor your system.

And the last, but not least: Jetico Personal Firewall v.1 is FREE!

Supported operating systems: Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP

We thank all people who contributed ther efforts into Jetico Personal Firewall program and related materials translation.

Japanese translation patch and Online help created by Dobry Den.

French version of the software created by Sparad0x.

Spanish version of the software created by Senpai.

Brief guide to Jetico Personal Firewall v1 in German is available on Supernature-Forum.

1-August-2006 | v.2.0 Beta.
Jetico Personal Firewall v.2 public Beta is out. Jetico Personal Firewall v.1 project is frozen.

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