
Virus Effect Remover 2.9

고진감래 [苦盡甘來] 2009. 5. 26. 12:14

Virus Effect Remover is the tool which help you to remove the effect of virus from windows registry and file system. It also detect the registry error caused by virus and enables the Blocked content like task manager , registry editor, folder option etc.

Virus Effect Remover can aid the user in removing effects from the Windows file system and the Windows Registry. One of the main functions of it is that it can re-enable access to the Windows Taskmanager, Registry Editor, MSconfig and the Process List.

Other options include process details that can be used to kill any running process including files that are currently in use by it. These processes and files can be added to a blacklist so that they will not be executed anymore even if they try to do so automatically.