ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.95.2

고진감래 [苦盡甘來] 2009. 6. 13. 13:29

ClamWin is a Free Antivirus for Microsoft Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003 and Vista. It provides a graphical user interface to the Clam AntiVirus engine.

Features of ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.95:

- Scanning Scheduler;
- Automatic Virus Database Updates. ClamAV team updates Virus Databases on a regular basis and almost immediately after a new virus/variant is out;
- Standalone Virus Scanner;
- Context Menu Integration to Microsoft Windows Explorer;
- Addin to Microsoft Outlook.

What's New in ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.95.2:

· Updated ClamAV escanning ngine to 0.95.2
· Important changes in ClamAV engine:
- Added malware detection in archives hidden inside other files (eg. images)
- Improved scanning of RAR and CAB archives
- Improvements in scanning and elimination of false positives

wondows 98까지 지원되는 몇안되는제품이네요
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