Dynamic Security Agent 2.0 - Vista Compatible!
Signature-less, Zero-hour Desktop and Server Defense!
The web may be free, but we all know that to safely bank online, buy music, software, or books, or even simply surf the web, there is a price to pay. To combat online threats, firewall, anti-virus and anti-spyware software have become essential investments for any home or business computer. These programs monitor and control system access and scan and remove your system of malicious or spying software.
But the range and sophistication of malicious software and hacking techniques is rapidly expanding and traditional software solutions do not provide a proactive defense against it. Now, Privacyware meets this need with Dynamic Security Agent (DSA) ― a proactive, multi-layered defense solution for Windows desktops and servers. What's more - DSA is absolutely FREE of charge. Get DSA today!
Consider these latest, dangerous forms of malware and intrusion:
Crimeware ― Malware programs and online schemes intended to extort your money or property.
Drive-by Downloads ― While surfing the web, it is now possible to download malicious software programs without even realizing it!
Keyloggers ― Malware that captures what you type into your keyboard, (i.e. credit card numbers, personal identification numbers, passwords, etc).
Rootkits ― Software programs designed to hide running processes, files or system data. Rootkits are often installed secretly via the "Drive-by Download" method. They allow intruders to secure and maintain access to your computer.
Have you read about these latest forms of online threat? Have you fallen victim to any of them? Would you know if you had? Privacyware Dynamic Security Agent addresses precisely these and other Windows threats.
DSA detects, blocks and quarantines activity characteristic of known malware, hacking, phishing and other threat types so that personal computer users and IT managers within small, medium or large organizations can more effectively and proactively protect the environments and private data for which they are responsible. An exceptionally simple user interface makes DSA a breeze to manage. You'll realize expanded protection and become educated about the nature of activity - trusted and un-trusted - that occurs on your system. Learn More
Be informed, prepared, proactive and in control of your computer and online safety - with DSA!
출처 : http://www.privacyware.com
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