Online Armor Personal Firewall RC

고진감래 [苦盡甘來] 2009. 7. 14. 16:39

Online Armor FREE is a powerful windows firewall - the only FREE firewall to offer 100% leak protection out of the box! It's easy to use, powerful - and completely free. Online Armor is straightforward, and simple to use.

Online Armor includes powerful "HIPS" functions, which give you the ability to stop all unrecognised programs from running on your computer unless you say so, making it possible to protect yourself against these new attacks. Of course, programs Online Armor knows are safe will be allowed to run, no problem.

This is different to a pure Antivirus program - these let any program run, unless they know it is a virus. This means that it must have that that exact threat in its database before it can do anything about it. Your antivirus will completely ignore programs it does not recognise - which unfortunately includes new viruses.

What's New in Online Armor Personal Firewall :

· Resolved (Responded) AV scan status window inconsistant (a paused scan now says "Paused")
· Resolved (Implemented) OA exlusions should also be taken in account by AV scan
· Resolved (Implemented) Checkbox for AVGate at "Debug" page (logging settings)
· Resolved (Implemented) AVGate additional stability validation
· Resolved (Fixed) OA++ does not provide the drive selection for full scans
· Resolved (Fixed) OA vs. Vista SP2 update
· Resolved (Implemented) Scan optimization
· Resolved (Fixed) Files excluded by "Check only executable files" are considered processed
· Resolved (Fixed) "n/a, n/a" Versions of AV engines
· Fixed AV signatures count not refreshing
· Fixed bug in scan that would make it keep trying to find the same directory repeatedly
· Hopefully fixed bug with VPN for Mike
· AV engine moved to a separate process
· 2 new options added to AV tab: Heuristic and Check only executable. The latter speeds up scan time by ingnoring everything except executable files (does NOT determine this by extension)
· Implemented scan of hidden files (eg rootkits)
· Block traffic on boot still happens when OA not set to start (Warning added)
· Missing Malware names - fixed
· Make AV signatures update with AV disabled
· Anti-rootkit capabilities improved
· Keylogger detection added to free version
· "Select All" button seems to be a "little" Big in FullScreen
· Allowed logging setting allows bypassing of DNS block rules
· Program files dir is not silently blocked
· WebCam FP should be fixed
· Wording on the "some programs were blocked" form is fixed.
· Correct EULA is added too, and properly digitally signed