Online Armor Personal Firewall RC
고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
2009. 7. 14. 16:39
Online Armor FREE is a powerful windows
This is different to a pure Antivirus program - these let any program run, unless they know it is a virus. This means that it must have that that exact threat in its database before it can do anything about it. Your antivirus will completely ignore programs it does not recognise - which unfortunately includes new viruses.
What's New in Online Armor Personal Firewall :
· Resolved (Responded) AV scan status window inconsistant (a paused scan now says "Paused")
· Resolved (Implemented) OA exlusions should also be taken in account by AV scan
· Resolved (Implemented) Checkbox for AVGate at "Debug" page (logging settings)
· Resolved (Implemented) AVGate additional stability validation
· Resolved (Fixed) OA++ does not provide the drive selection for full scans
· Resolved (Fixed) OA vs. Vista SP2 update
· Resolved (Implemented) Scan optimization
· Resolved (Fixed) Files excluded by "Check only executable files" are considered processed
· Resolved (Fixed) "n/a, n/a" Versions of AV engines
· Fixed AV signatures count not refreshing
· Fixed bug in scan that would make it keep trying to find the same directory repeatedly
· Hopefully fixed bug with VPN for Mike
· AV engine moved to a separate process
· 2 new options added to AV tab: Heuristic and Check only executable. The latter speeds up scan time by ingnoring everything except executable files (does NOT determine this by extension)
· Implemented scan of hidden files (eg rootkits)
· Block traffic on boot still happens when OA not set to start (Warning added)
· Missing Malware names - fixed
· Make AV signatures update with AV disabled
· Anti-rootkit capabilities improved
· Keylogger detection added to free version
· "Select All" button seems to be a "little" Big in FullScreen
· Allowed logging setting allows bypassing of DNS block rules
· Program files dir is not silently blocked
· WebCam FP should be fixed
· Wording on the "some programs were blocked" form is fixed.
· Correct EULA is added too, and properly digitally signed