KillProcess 2.44
The KillProcess application can terminate almost any application on an PC, including Microsoft
The Microsoft TaskManager can also do this, but it sometimes waits for the application to exit by itself, and also asks stupid questions if you are really sure that you now what you are doing. The TaskManager also prevents you from terminating multiple processes at the same time. This can be quite a bore if the same set of applications constantly keeps crashing.
KillProcess also includes a nifty process tracker, which can prevent any process in the system from starting to execute, and thus releasing precious CPU resources to applications that should be running instead. This is great if you for some reason would like to prevent the network administrator from running a nasty virus scan application on your computer while you are making a huge animation or code compilation that consumes a lot of computer resources.
What's New in KillProcess 2.44 :
· Application now fully supports Windows 7
· Fixed a bug with the process priority being displayed wrong if the Realtime setting was used.
· Changed default settings for application to integrate better with Windows 7 new taskbar
· Added Kill Lists for Windows 2008 and Windows 7
· Added possibility to reset application settings to default
· Fixed bug filed by Bedfford Arroyo Bravo to make sure that KillProcess is silent in every aspect when running as in batch mode.
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