PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition

고진감래 [苦盡甘來] 2009. 9. 3. 22:32

With PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition you are protected against the most nefarious cyber-threats attempting to gain access to your PC and personal information. Going online without protection against the latest fast-spreading virus and worms, such as Netsky, Mytob and MyDoom, can result in infections within minutes.

Once infected, the virus will usually attempt to spread itself to your friends, family and associates by accessing your email contacts and networked PCs. The infection may also allow hackers to access files on your PC, use it to launch attacks against other computers and websites or to send mass SPAM email.

That's why PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition provides world-leading protection, with rapid database updates, OnGuard real-time protection and comprehensive system scanning to ensure your system remains safe and virus free. PC Tools products are trusted and used by millions of people everyday to protect their home and business computers against online threats.

Features of PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition 6.0 :

· Protects your PC as you are working, surfing and playing
· Detects, quarantines, disinfects and destroys Viruses, Trojans and Worms
· IntelliGuard protects your computer against threats in real-time
· Automatically checks for frequent updates against the latest threats
· Best of all it's FREE. No catches, limitations or time-limits

What's New in PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition 6.0 :

Better protection, better scanner, less impact
· Our focus for PC Tools AntiVirus  6 was to provide enhancements in protection, detection and scanning.
· This has been achieved through the introduction of next generation sliding signatures, specifically designed to better cater for the significant numbers of threat variants in the wild. PC Tools' next-gen sliding signatures have also delivered performance improvements to scan time and system impact with a further reduced memory footprint and overall system impact during scanning.
Detection and Removal of MBR
· PC Tools AntiVirus 6 has advanced functionality for detection and removal of boot sector viruses that infect Master Boot Record (MBR).
IntelliGuard protection against computer viruses and related malware threats
· PC Tools AntiVirus detects and eradicates viruses and related malware threats that attempt to enter computer systems by means of file transfer through storage media, e-mail, the Internet and other network protocols. Protection is provided by means of on-demand system scanning or real-time (IntelliGuard) detection of threats.
Smart Updates to keep virus definitions and other feature enhancements up to date
· Smart Updates are released frequently, allowing you to protect your system against the latest virus and related malware threats, as well as improvements to PC Tools AntiVirus' functionality. By running Smart Update regularly, you can help keep your system free of new infections.
Customizable Scan Settings applicable to both PC Tools AntiVirus' on-demand file scan and real-time protection features
· Scan settings are easily configurable and apply both to the on-demand scans and IntelliGuard scans (detection in real-time through the IntelliGuard tool). These scan options allow you to customize a range of generic and global settings which affect the overall behavior of PC Tools AntiVirus.
Ability to quarantine and restore items that have been detected
· PC Tools AntiVirus allows you either to remove detected viruses and related malware from your system or to quarantine them into a contained area. The majority of infections that have been quarantined can be restored at a later time. You can customize PC Tools AntiVirus either to remove or to quarantine malware items fixed in a scan.
Logging of File Scans conducted by PC Tools AntiVirus
· All File Scans conducted by PC Tools AntiVirus can be logged, providing a record of when each scan was conducted; the infections that were identified; and when infections were disinfected, quarantined or removed.
Enhanced architecture providing enhanced infection removal capabilities for limited user accounts
· PC Tools AntiVirus' service-based architecture allows user accounts with limited permissions to scan all areas of the operating system to ensure thorough removal of viruses and other related malware threats.

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