Spyware Terminator

고진감래 [苦盡甘來] 2009. 9. 23. 21:50

Spyware Terminator effectively protects your computer from known types of spyware but also many spyware variants.

You can quickly and easily find spyware that may slow down or even crash your computer, display annoying pop-up advertisements, change your Internet browser settings or abuse your private information without your consent and knowledge. Real-Time Protection runs in the background and prevents most threats from installing and harming your computer.

Features of Spyware Terminator 2.6:

· Effectively Protects Your Computer from Spyware
· Safely Store Quarantine Detected Spyware
· Easy to Use, Easy to Setup
· Manual & Scheduled Scans Keep Your Computer Spyware-Free
· Automatically Download Updates that Keep Spyware Terminator Current

What's New in Spyware Terminator :

Improved System Settings Restore:
· System Settings utility allows users to restore the default system settings when they experience difficulties that may be caused by spyware, e.g., changed start page, default search provider and other default system settings.
· The list of system settings that can be reset to default settings has been extended to include disabled Regedit, disabled Task Manager, disabled MSCONFIG, disabled Security Center notification, disabled Background tab and disabled Display in Control Panel. These system settings are often targets of various malware and disabling them may cause you serious trouble.
Spyware Terminator Tips:
· Tips section on the Help & Support tab brings Spyware Terminator users useful tips on using the application. Tips are also displayed at the start of the application.