NOD32 3.0.621 Final

고진감래 [苦盡甘來] 2007. 12. 22. 11:43

ESET Nod32 Antivirus version 3 provides antivirus and antispyware protection for all home/office PCs running Microsoft Windows 2003 / XP or Vista. (Server versions available.) ESET Nod32 Antivirus version 3 also features an enhanced graphical interface, with on-demand help and easy tooltips.
Features of NOD32 3.0.621 :
· ThreatSense technology — a single optimized Anti-Threat engine for analyzing code to identify malicious behavior, such as viruses, spyware, adware, phishing and more
· Unprecedented heuristic analysis capable of discovering new malware threats as they emerge
· Powerful virtual PC emulation technology enables unpacking and decryption of all types of archives and run-time packing
· Able to clean active malware running in memory
· Protects at multiple infiltration points, including HTTP, POP3, SMTP and all local and removable media
· Removes infections from files that are locked for writing (e.g., loaded DLL file)
· Prevents infected files from being opened and executed, and warns on creation of infected files
· Automatic execution on system startup
· Supports multiple Terminal Server environments
· Supports scanning of mapped network disks
What's New in NOD32 3.0.621 :
· Fixed synchronization through ActiveSync while firewall is in Automatic Mode
· Fixed Incorrect IP Packet checksum issue
· Fixed issue with creating duplicate rules
Outlook/Outlook Express/Windows Mail
· Improved general performance by several optimisations
· Interactive Toolbar (turn off icons/text, large icons)
· Possibility to rescan selected/unscanned/all messages in folder for viruses and spam
· Possibility to add Names instead of e-mails to blacklist
· Possibility to turn off ESET toolbar in OE/WM
· Added Alt+S shortcut to mark message as spam
· Extended options available from system tray menu
· Fixed delays when creating exclusions
· Export logs into XML or TXT
· Fixed problem of multiple threat notifications
· Fixed problems saving changes of some settings
· Fixed several minor bugs related to GUI


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