
UltraDefrag 1.2.4

고진감래 [苦盡甘來] 2007. 12. 24. 12:21

They are three interfaces to them: graphical, console and native. The GUI is very useful, because it represents your filesystem visually as a color coded cluster map. The console is another option for those that prefer the command line. It is also allows you to run UltraDefrag from the task scheduler and scripts. Finally, the native executable will run at boot time in a manner similar to chkdsk.
The design of UltraDefrag is very simple. There are no skins, localization, or animations. It is a small and powerful program!
Features of UltraDefrag 1.2.4 :
· Very fast defragmentation, the work is done via a kernel mode driver which has an optimal defraging algorithm.
· Very small engine written in pure C.
· Nice graphical interface - compact and functional.
· Safety, because the file moving is accomplished with Microsoft's own Defrag API.
· Simple to use.
· Ability to generate html reports of fragmentation status.
· Ability to include/exclude files based on simple filters.
· Native x64 support.
· Free: Distributed with full source code under the GNU General Public License.
What's New in UltraDefrag 1.2.4 :
· big modern volumes support was added (by reducing memory requirements)
· context menu handler for volumes in Explorer was added
· documentation improved
· first compilation using gcc -> strong code verifying -> hundreds of small bugs were fixed
· full MinGW support for compilation

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<다운로드 링크> : http://www.scanwith.com/download_soft.php?d=1900&s=1202