
BugHunter 2.2e

고진감래 [苦盡甘來] 2007. 12. 25. 00:05

BugHunter cannot prevent malware executables from running or being installed as it does not remain in memory... However, it can scan the system anytime you like and remove any malware which may be present. As BugHunter relies on dat file technology similar to that of a virus scanner, updates to the datafile and the program itself will be released from time to time on the Website.
What's New in BugHunter 2.2e :
· As of now, BugHunter will try to neutralize malicious executables and scripts before deletion. If the file cannot be deleted, but the neutralization was succesful the file will no longer pose any threat to your system. It will be converted into a .com structured file that displays a message and terminates. If the file exceeds 64k in size however, it will simply not run.
· Screen updates and other minor changes with layout.

출처 : http://www.scanwith.com

<다운로드 링크> : http://www.scanwith.com/download_soft.php?d=1862&s=1124