
SoftPerfect Network Scanner

고진감래 [苦盡甘來] 2007. 12. 28. 16:45

In addition, it allows you to mount shared resources as network drives, browse them using Windows Explorer, filter the results list and more. SoftPerfect Network Scanner can also check for a user-defined port and report if it is found open, resolve host names and auto-detect your local IP range.
Features of SoftPerfect Network Scanner 3.6:
· Fast multithreaded scanning.
· Pings computers.
· Detects hardware (MAC) addresses.
· Detects hidden shared resources (Normally they are not visible on a network) and write accessible shares.
· Scans for listening TCP ports and SNMP services.
· Mounting and exploring of found resources.
· Doesn't require administrative privileges.
What's New in SoftPerfect Network Scanner 3.6 :
· Network Scanner 3.6 has been released. Since the remote shutdown feature is unable to power down a remote PC with under specific circumstances, this version supports new power-off feature which allows to power down any NT based system remotely.
Note: If you want to read the SoftPerfect Network Scanner Online Manual click here.



<다운로드> : http://www.scanwith.com/download_soft.php?d=1440&s=1009