이건뭐지?2007. 12. 11. 15:16

그냥 평범한 윈도우 테마에 지겨우신분들을 위해 소개합니다

설치법이나 뭐 이런거 설명할 필요도 없을정도로 간편합니다

무료버전이고 몇가지 테마 지원하지 않지만 그래도 기본테마에 지겨우신 분들중

스타일xp 등이 귀찮다면 한번 써볼만 할것 같아 올립니다

http://www.alienware.com/intro_pages/invader.aspx  << 여기로 가셔서 화면 1시방향에 있는

다운로드 버튼 누르시고 다운받은 후 설치 하시면 됩니다

'이건뭐지?' 카테고리의 다른 글

Advanced WindowsCare Personal  (0) 2007.12.14
icofx 1.5 초간단 아이콘 제작  (0) 2007.12.11
windows xp sp3 summary  (0) 2007.12.11
바탕화면  (0) 2007.12.10
Advanced WindowsCare Personal  (0) 2007.12.10
Posted by 고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
이건뭐지?2007. 12. 11. 13:56

Windows XP SP3 combines all previously released performance, security, and stability updates. It also provides a limited number of new and enhanced functionalities, although it does not significantly change the Windows XP experience or bring functionality from newer versions of Windows to Windows XP. The goals of Windows XP SP3 are to:
 Provide a new baseline for customers still deploying Windows XP, to help them avoid the inconvenience of applying individual updates.
 Fill gaps in the updates users might have missed by declining individual updates when using Automatic Updates, and to deliver updates not made available through Windows Update.
Windows Vista provides the most advanced security and management capability, but for PCs that cannot be upgraded to Windows Vista right now, Windows XP SP3 ensures these PCs have all available updates and allows these PCs to leverage some new Windows Server 2008 capabilities, such as Network Access Protection (NAP).
For more information about Windows XP SP3, go to Windows XP Service Packs.

출처 : http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=68c48dad-bc34-40be-8d85-6bb4f56f5110&DisplayLang=en

'이건뭐지?' 카테고리의 다른 글

icofx 1.5 초간단 아이콘 제작  (0) 2007.12.11
AlienGUIse  (0) 2007.12.11
바탕화면  (0) 2007.12.10
Advanced WindowsCare Personal  (0) 2007.12.10
7-Zip 4.56 beta (2007-10-24) for Windows  (0) 2007.12.10
Posted by 고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
IT2007. 12. 11. 12:18

With Lavasoft’s all new Code Sequence Identification (CSI) technology, you will not only be protected from know content, but will also have advanced protection against many of their unknown variants. To further protect you, Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition also has the capability to scan and list Alternate Data Streams (ADS) in NTFS enabled volumes. In combination with the new scanning engine, Ad-Aware SE will scan your computer faster and more thoroughly than ever before!
What's New in Ad–Aware 2007 Free :
· Redesigned Engine – Benefit from superior program flexibility and more accurate scanning methods with all-new program architecture.
· Improved Code Sequence Identification (CSI) Technology – Boost your privacy protection with precise detection of embedded malware, including known and emerging threats.
· Incremental Definition File Updates – Save precious time and resources with smaller update files resulting in faster download times.
· TrackSweep - Control privacy by erasing tracks left behind while surfing the Web on Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera, with one easy click.
· Multiple Browser Support – Choose Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Opera with expanded browser support.
· New Straightforward User Interface – Effortlessly maneuver thecomplexities of malware detection and removal with our newuser-friendly interface.
More Key Features of Ad–Aware 2007 Free :
· User-Controlled Spyware Removal - Decide for yourself what to delete from your system and what to keep.
· Extensive Detection Database – Stay protected with regular updates from the extensive library of identified and analyzed spyware.
· System Restore Point – Easily revert back to your clean system to recover from a spyware attack.

Download  : http://www.scanwith.com/download_soft.php?d=1775&s=602

'IT' 카테고리의 다른 글

Comodo Firewall Pro Final  (0) 2007.12.12
Spyware Doctor Beta  (0) 2007.12.12
a-squared HiJackFree  (0) 2007.12.11
AnalogX Script Defender 1.02  (0) 2007.12.11
Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic  (0) 2007.12.10
Posted by 고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
IT2007. 12. 11. 12:15

Features of a-squared HiJackFree 3.0 :
· Manage all types of Autoruns on your system
· Control all Explorer and Browser plugins (BHOs, Toolbars, etc.)
· Manage all running Processes and their associated modules
· Control all Services, even those Windows doesn't display
· View open ports and the associated listening processes
· View all DNS entries in the hosts file
· Manage installed Layered Service Providers (LSPs)
· Analyze the system configuration with using our live online analysis
What's New in a-squared HiJackFree 3.0 :
· Faster hosts file processing. You can now edit all registry autoruns, addons and services by double clicking the item.
This software is freeware! This means you may use it and distribute it for free. No installation or registration required. Simply download and run the file.

Download [ a-squared HiJackFree ]

Download [ a-squared HiJackFree - Mirror ]

'IT' 카테고리의 다른 글

Spyware Doctor Beta  (0) 2007.12.12
Ad-Aware 2007  (0) 2007.12.11
AnalogX Script Defender 1.02  (0) 2007.12.11
Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic  (0) 2007.12.10
PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition  (0) 2007.12.10
Posted by 고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
IT2007. 12. 11. 12:12


I'm sure that by now everyone has heard about email viruses; most people probably have either experienced one themselves or know someone who has. The latest batch of viruses have become more adept than ever at getting people to execute them unintentionally - that's where AnalogX Script Defender comes in!
Whty's new in AnalogX Script Defender 1.02:
· Added .SHS to extensions list
· Fixed new extensions not being intercepted

download : http://www.scanwith.com/download_soft.php?d=1171&s=760

'IT' 카테고리의 다른 글

Ad-Aware 2007  (0) 2007.12.11
a-squared HiJackFree  (0) 2007.12.11
Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic  (0) 2007.12.10
PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition  (0) 2007.12.10
Comodo Firewall Pro Final  (0) 2007.12.10
Posted by 고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
IT2007. 12. 10. 22:59

또하나의 무료백신 소개합니다

현재 사용중인 제품으로 독일의 avira 사에서 배포하는 무료 제품입니다

사용제품도 있지만 국내에서는 구매가 쉽지 않고 무료버전이 유료버전 못지않은

뛰어난 성능으로 국내 많은 유저들로부터 사랑받고 있어 소개합니다


일단 설치화면은 생략하고 설치후 메인창입니다

뭐 보시다시피 보안제품들이 거의 그렇듯 이제품 또한 영단어 몇개만 사전 찾아본다면

사용법또한 쉽게 익힐수있고 국내 포털에서 검색하면 자세한 사용법을 올려주신 분들이

많이 있습니다

이제품에 대한 개인적인 생각을 적어본다면

가장먼저 휴리스틱이라고 할수있습니다 이제품을 사용하는 분들에게 왜 이제품을 사용하는지

묻는다면 아마도 대부분이 강력한 휴리스틱 때문이라고 대답할겁니다

그만큼 휴리스틱의 대명사 격인 노드32 보다도  민감한 실시간감시로 각종 알려지지않은 악성코드를

잘 잡아줍니다 하지만 양날의 검과 같은 휴리스틱으로 인해 오진도 그만큼 많다는게 단점이기도 합니다

그래서 중급이상의 유저들에게만 추천하는 제품입니다

귀차니즘에 시달리는 유저들은 잘잡아주기는 하지만 오진이 귀찮아 사용하지 않는 분들도 꽤많이 있습니다

예전 보다는 오진이 많이 줄었다고는 하나 웹서핑도중 뜨는 무수한 창들을 보면 아직도 높은 오진율은 여전 하다는

생각도 듭니다 하지만 앞에서도 언급했듯이 그만큼 잡기도 잘잡습니다

올해 제로데이 취약점이 발표된후 수많은 악성코드들이 난무 했었죠

여러 유명회사들이 자랑이나 하듯이 발빠른 대응을 보여줄때 antivir의 실시간감시는 휴리스틱으로 대부분의 악성코드들을

때려잡아 다른회사들의 빠른대응을 무색케 했던게 기억나는군요

혹시 이글을 보신 초보유저 분들께서 얼마나 대단한지 실험하고자 하신다면 딱 두가지만 당부드립니다

이 글을읽고 사용했다 피봐도 저에겐 책임이 없다는것 ^^:과 한가지더 악성코드 발견시 삭제보다는 검역소 이동을

이용한다면 그나마 피해복구에 용이 할거라 생각됩니다

http://www.freeav.com/ 이곳에서 다운로드 가능하구요 자신의 os 확인후 맞는 제품을 다운로드하시면 됩니다

기간은 설치후 메인화면에 표시되나 기간만료가 다가오면 자동으로 갱신되니 신경안쓰셔도 됩니다

'IT' 카테고리의 다른 글

a-squared HiJackFree  (0) 2007.12.11
AnalogX Script Defender 1.02  (0) 2007.12.11
PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition  (0) 2007.12.10
Comodo Firewall Pro Final  (0) 2007.12.10
SUPERAntiSpyware 3.9.1008 Final  (0) 2007.12.10
Posted by 고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
Holic Story2007. 12. 10. 19:43


개인적으로 보아온 전쟁영화중 최고이며 누가 봐도 수작이라고 할만한 작품이다

총 10부작에 걸친 장편이지만 처음부터 끝까지 지루함을 느낄수 없었다

사실적인 묘사와 중반부를 넘어 겨울을 배경으로 하는 장면들은 영상미 또한 매우 아름답다

어떤 전쟁영화보다도 사실적인 묘사가 뛰어나다고 생각되는 작품이다

전쟁영화를 좋아하지 않는 사람들도 이영화만큼은 추천하고 싶다

저자 스티븐 E. 앰브로스 가 쓴 실화 소설 밴드 오브 브라더스를 원작으로 한다

극중 전개를 하는 리처트윈터스의 묘사가 사실감을 더해주며 중간중간 나오는 현재

생존자들의 인터뷰는 더욱 많은 정보를 얻게 해준다

이미 라이언 일병 구하기를 찍었던 스티븐 스필버그와 톰 행크스가 공동 제작하였고

톰행크스가 감독을 맡았다

2001년도 미국에서 첫방송 되었고 그후 유럽까지 엄청난 시청률로 인기 몰이를 하기도 했다

국내에서도 케이블 tv 를 통해 방영된적이 있다

앞으로 이만한 전쟁 영화가 또 나올지가 의문스러울 정도의 대작이라 생각된다

이글을 읽는 사람들에게 가장 추천하는 지금까지 보아온 최고의 미니시리즈 이며 영화라고

말하고 싶다

Posted by 고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
이건뭐지?2007. 12. 10. 17:30

사용자 삽입 이미지
Posted by 고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
이건뭐지?2007. 12. 10. 17:29

Features of Advanced WindowsCare Personal :

· 100% Freeware
· Removing Spyware and Adware
· Preventing Security Threats
· Privacy Protection
· Fixing Registry Errors
· Temporary Files Cleanup
· Startup Cleanup
· Repairing Windows
· Speeding up System

Advanced WindowsCare Personal introduces a new way to maintain yourcomputer: all work is done with one-click per day. With the advancedintuitive design and state-of-art computer technology, the userexperience is made truly different.

Why Choose Advanced WindowsCare Personal :

· No more using various software and tools to take care of yourcomputers. Advanced WindowsCare v2 Personal does all work for you.
· No need to be an IT expert or geek. Just one click.
· No more worrying about false operation or bad settings. RestoreCenter is always active to automatically backup all of your changes.Restore your system at any time if need be.
· No more long-time work. With X-FAST TM technology, Advanced WindowsCare v2 Personal finishes all work within 1 or 2 minutes.
· No more deleting system files and damaging registry entries. UsingX-SAFE TM technology, Advanced WindowsCare v2 Personal identifies filesand cleans your Windows in a smart and safe way.
· No more slowing down, freezing and crash. Advanced WindowsCare v2Personal accurately detects and repairs the bottlenecks, dramaticallyspeeds up your system.
· No need to discarding other well-working system utilities. AdvancedWindowsCare v2 Personal only focus on what it is good at, leaving otherprofessional tools do their jobs.
· No need to cost you dollars. Advanced WindowsCare v2 Personal is free of charge.

What's New in Advanced WindowsCare Personal 2.5.6 :

· Added a "License Renew" function
· Improved Add-on module
· Improved language pack
· Fixed general bugs

다운로드 링크입니다

'이건뭐지?' 카테고리의 다른 글

windows xp sp3 summary  (0) 2007.12.11
바탕화면  (0) 2007.12.10
7-Zip 4.56 beta (2007-10-24) for Windows  (0) 2007.12.10
Auslogics Disk Defrag (빠른 디스크 조각모음 유틸 -무료-)  (0) 2007.12.10
Eraser 5.86  (0) 2007.12.10
Posted by 고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
IT2007. 12. 10. 17:28

Once infected, the virus will usually attempt to spread itself to your friends, family and associates by accessing your email contacts and networked PCs. The infection may also allow hackers to access files on your PC, use it to launch attacks against other computers and websites or to send mass SPAM email.

That's why PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition provides world-leading protection, with rapid database updates, OnGuard real-time protection and comprehensive system scanning to ensure your system remains safe and virus free. PC Tools products are trusted and used by millions of people everyday to protect their home and business computers against online threats.

Features of PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition :

· Protects your PC as you are working, surfing and playing
· Detects, quarantines, disinfects and destroys Viruses, Trojans and Worms
· OnGuard™ protects your computer against threats in real-time
· Automatically checks for frequent updates against the latest threats

What's New in PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition 3.6 :

New and improved Engine
· With its new and improved scan engine, PC Tools AntiVirus now provides faster and better detection whilst retaining a small database size and undergoing significant reduction to memory usage. The new engine also enhances PC Tool's Antivirus' ability to detect suspicious items which may prove to be threats.
Overall Progress bar implemented
· During the duration of the scan, an additional Overall Progress bar has been implemented alongside the existing scan status bar to allow you to view the scan advance more intuitively.
Ignore option added to the action list and Prompt Me alert
· PC Tools AntiVirus 3.6. has added an Ignore option to the list of actions in the "Prompt Me" alert, which provides you with more flexibility as to how to handle infected or suspicious items. If you choose to "ignore" an item, PC Tools AntiVirus will leave the infected or suspicious item alone.
Standalone service
· PC Tools AntiVirus 3.6. incorporates the enhanced functionality of a standalone service which allows the service to continue running even when the client itself is absent or closed. This means that while the OnGuard feature is turned on, PC Tools AntiVirus will continue to monitor your system even when the PC Tools AntiVirus client is closed. The service will automatically detect and quarantine infected or suspicious items. In addition, the standalone service is also able to carry out scheduled scans without the PC Tools AntiVirus client.
Standard user support on Vista platform
· PC Tools AntiVirus 3.6 now provides standard user support for Vista.

'IT' 카테고리의 다른 글

AnalogX Script Defender 1.02  (0) 2007.12.11
Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic  (0) 2007.12.10
Comodo Firewall Pro Final  (0) 2007.12.10
SUPERAntiSpyware 3.9.1008 Final  (0) 2007.12.10
Avast! Professional / Home Edition 4.7.1098  (0) 2007.12.10
Posted by 고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
IT2007. 12. 10. 17:28

Comodo Firewall helps you to understand what is going on by analyzing each alert and providing you an intuitive, easily understandable Security Considerations section with each question it asks.

With its built-in application database, Comodo Firewall classifies more than 10.000 applications according to their risk level such as SAFE, SPYWARE, ADWARE etc. It is the only firewall which has such a big application database and which uses such a database to analyze the security risks.

Comodo Firewall Pro 3.0 is now more powerful, intelligent and easy to use than ever.

Features of Comodo Firewall 3.0 :

· Clean PC Mode
· Advanced Network Firewall Engine
· Host Intrusion Prevention System
· Powerful and intuitive Security Rules Interface
· Sleek New Graphical User Interface
· 'Smart' Popup Alerts
· Application Behavior Analysis
· Automatic 'Firewall Training' mode
· Windows Security Center Integration
· Self Protection against Critical Process Termination
· Application Recognition Database
· Automatic Updates
· Improved Firewall Event Logging
· Submit Suspicious Files to Comodo

What's New in Comodo Firewall 3.0 :

· New!! Clean PC Mode: This is PATENT-PENDING feature takes a profile of a new PC and all the applications in it and registers them as safe. Then, any new application trying to gain access to a computer will be denied access to the PC unless the user expressly permits it since it is assumed to be potentially unsafe. This feature prevents most types of malware and rootkits from getting installed and keeps a new PC virus and malware free.
· New!! Defense+ Host Intrusion Prevention System: Defense+ is one of the most advanced Host Intrusion Prevention Systems available in any desktop security program. This new addition helps to secure desktops and servers against rootkits, inter-process memory injections, key-loggers and more. Leveraging Comodo's safe-list database of nearly 1,000,000 trusted executable files, Defense+ can block malware and viruses before they ever get a chance to install on your system.
· Improved!! Advanced Network Firewall Engine: Comodo Firewall Pro has always offered the highest levels of perimeter security against inbound and outbound threats - meaning you get the strongest possible protection against hackers, malware and identity thieves. Now we've improved it again by adding new features such as Stealth Mode to make your PC completely invisible to opportunistic port scans; Wizard based auto-detection of trusted zones; Password protection of firewall settings; Diagnostics to analyze your system for potential conflicts with the firewall and much more.
· Improved!! Security rules interface: Version 3.0 gives offers more control over security settings than ever before. Users can quickly set granular internet access rights and privileges on a global or per application basis using the flexible and easy to understand GUI. This version also sees the introduction of pre-set security policies which allow you to deploy a sophisticated hierarchy of firewall rules with a couple of mouse clicks.
· Improved!! Graphical User Interface: We've completely redesigned the look and feel of Comodo Firewall to make it even easier for you to do what you need to do. The default summary screen gives you an immediate heads-up on all vital security settings and provides a central point of navigation to every part of the application. We've also built in context sensitive help throughout the program so you'll never be far from advice if you run into difficulties.
· Improved!! Pop-Up Alerts: Whenever the firewall detects a potential threat, you are immediately informed with a pop-up alert. Each alert includes a Security Considerations section which provides clear advice on whether you should allow or block a process.
· New!! Training Mode: Comodo Firewall Pro version 3.0 won't needlessly stop your workflow with alerts for applications you obviously want to trust. By selecting 'Train with Safe Mode', the firewall will learn how your trusted applications work and silently create rules for them.
· New!! Application Recognition Database: Comodo Firewall Pro now includes a proprietary and continually updated white list of nearly 1,000,000 safe executables. The integrity of every executable is checked against this database to determine whether or not it is genuine before it allows it installation rights. Firewall Pro will alert users of potentially damaging applications before they are installed. In many cases, this proactive approach averts damage from viruses or root-kits that are not known to anti-virus software.
· Improved!! Event logging: Version 3.0 features a vastly improved log management module - allowing users to export records of firewall activity according to several user-defined filters. Beginners and advanced users alike will greatly benefit from this essential troubleshooting feature.

가장 최근에 실시된 누설테스트에서 3위를 기록했다 하지만 이전까지 거의 1위자리를 내놓은적이
없었던 강력한 외산 무료 방화벽이다 3.0으로 버전업 되면서 한글패치가 작동을 하지 않는다
이전버전에 비해 아직은 잔 버그가 약간 있는것 같다 뛰어난 성능에 무료이기에 많은 중급이상 유저들이 가장 선호하는 방화벽이다
Posted by 고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
IT2007. 12. 10. 17:27

SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition is 100% Free and will detect and remove thousands of Spyware, Adware, Malware, Trojans, KeyLoggers, Dialers, Hi-Jackers, and Worms. SUPERAntiSpyware features many unique and powerful technologies and removes spyware threats that other applications fail to remove.

Features of SUPERAntiSpyware 3.9.1008 :

Quick, Complete and Custom Scanning of Hard Drives, Removable Drives, Memory, Registry, Individual Folders and More! Includes Trusting Items and Excluding Folders for complete customization of scanning!
Detect and Remove Spyware, Adware, Malware, Trojans, Dialers, Worms, KeyLoggers, HiJackers and many other types of threats.
Repair broken Internet Connections, Desktops, Registry Editing, Task Manager and more with our unique Repair System! Spyware application often disable system components to prevent removal - SUPERAntiSpyware resets and restores these items in seconds!
Quarantine items detected and removed for complete protection. Items in the quarantine may be restored to your computer if desired.
Detailed scan logs with complete information about detected and removed threats and their locations within your computer. Scan logs allow you to review scheduled scan results at anytime.

What's New in SUPERAntiSpyware 3.9.1008 :

• Technology Changes
· Scanning engine improvements to detect rootkits that keep handles open to themselves
· Ability to remove most infections in a single pass/reboot
· Improved trace detection
· Windows Vista Scanning Improvements
· Additional repairs for Windows Vista and Windows XP (System Restore and System File Checker (SFC)

SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition does not include real-time blocking or scheduled scanning.



제작사 : http://www.superantispyware.com

무료버전은 실시간감시가 지원되지 않는다 다른 제품을 사용중이라면 보조용으로 사용하기 알맞은 제품이다

Posted by 고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
IT2007. 12. 10. 17:27

홈 / 프로페셔널 에디션
  • TAR 압축 관련 프로그램에서 발생한 취약점 해결
  • 다양한 압축 프로그램의 성능 향상 - winexec, install, CAB, NTFS 스트림
  • 부팅 검사에서 USB 키보드 지원
  • 웹 방어 프로바이더 - 호환성 향상
  • 인터넷 메일 프로바이더 - 윈도우 비스타와의 호환성 향상
  • 부팅 검사에서 CAB 압축 파일 지원
  • 손상된 RAR 압축 파일을 처리하는 기능 향상
  • 모질라 썬더버드에서 발생하던 메일 보호 마법사 버그 수정
  • 윈도우 NT/2000에서 영역 선택 대화상자에서 발생한 버그 수정
  • 업데이트 프로그램 최적화
  • TNEF 첨부와 관련된 휴리스틱 오진 경고 제거

프로페셔널 에디션

  • 윈도우 비스타에서 예약 검사 지원

Home : http://files.avast.com/iavs4pro/setupkor.exe

Professional : http://files.avast.com/iavs4pro/setupkorpro.exe

제작사 : http://www.avast.co.kr

홈버전은 개인사용자에게 무료로 제공되고 등록시 14개월간 사용할수 있는 무료 라이센스

를 발급해 준다

만료시 무료 갱신 가능한 제품으로 한글지원이 되고 유료제품 못지 않은 성능으로 국내에

많은 사용자가 있는 외산제품이다

Posted by 고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
이건뭐지?2007. 12. 10. 17:25


7-Zip is open source software. Most of the source code is under the GNU LGPL license. The AES code is under a BSD LICENSE. The unRAR code is under a mixed license: GNU LGPL + unRAR restrictions. Check license information here: 7-Zip license.

You can use 7-Zip on any computer, including a computer in a commercial organization. You don't need to register or pay for 7-Zip. But you can make a donation to support further development of 7-Zip.

The main features of 7-Zip

  • High compression ratio in new 7z format with LZMA compression
  • Supported formats:
    • Packing / unpacking: 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR
    • Unpacking only: RAR, CAB, ISO, ARJ, LZH, CHM, Z, CPIO, RPM, DEB and NSIS
  • For ZIP and GZIP formats, 7-Zip provides a compression ratio that is 2-10 % better than the ratio provided by PKZip and WinZip
  • Self-extracting capability for 7z format
  • Integration with Windows Shell
  • Powerful File Manager
  • Powerful command line version
  • Plugin for FAR Manager
  • Localizations for 63 languages

Download 7-Zip 4.42 (2006-05-14) for Windows:

Link Type Windows Size
Download .exe 32-bit 818 KB
Download .msi x64 1238 KB

Download 7-Zip 4.56 beta (2007-10-24) for Windows:

Link Type Windows Size
Download .exe 32-bit 841 KB
Download .msi x64 1105 KB

속도는 빠르지 않지만 엽기적인 압축률을 자랑하는 진정한 프리웨어입니다

알집에 대한 반감을 가진 많은분들이 가장 애용하는제품 입니다

'이건뭐지?' 카테고리의 다른 글

windows xp sp3 summary  (0) 2007.12.11
바탕화면  (0) 2007.12.10
Advanced WindowsCare Personal  (0) 2007.12.10
Auslogics Disk Defrag (빠른 디스크 조각모음 유틸 -무료-)  (0) 2007.12.10
Eraser 5.86  (0) 2007.12.10
Posted by 고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
이건뭐지?2007. 12. 10. 17:25

Get the maximum performance out of your expensive hardware investments. And it's absolutely FREE.

Auslogics Disk Defrag is a compact, manual defragmentation tool that supports FAT 16, FAT 32, and NTFS (with compressed and encrypted files). For the individual user, Disk Defrag is more than adequate for the job of maintaining high-level disk performance.

Why Defragment Disks ?

Hard disks are by far the slowest component in your computer. CPU and memory work much faster than hard disks because they do not have moving parts. Therefore fragmented disks often become a bottleneck of the system performance.

Besides causing slowdowns, fragmentation makes the hard drive disk heads move frequently when reading files which leads to freeze-ups and system crashes. It is important to keep your disks defragmented and optimized as much as possible.

· Improve computer performance and stability
· Increase your productivity - no more waiting for files to open
· Defragment disks in only a few minutes
· Useful disk fragmentation map and detailed fragmentation report
· Windows XP Home and Professional, 2000/2003 and Vista supported

'이건뭐지?' 카테고리의 다른 글

windows xp sp3 summary  (0) 2007.12.11
바탕화면  (0) 2007.12.10
Advanced WindowsCare Personal  (0) 2007.12.10
7-Zip 4.56 beta (2007-10-24) for Windows  (0) 2007.12.10
Eraser 5.86  (0) 2007.12.10
Posted by 고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
잡생각2007. 12. 10. 17:23

개인적으로 보아온 전쟁영화중 최고이며 누가 봐도 수작이라고 할만한 작품이다

총 10부작에 걸친 장편이지만 처음부터 끝까지 지루함을 느낄수 없었다

사실적인 묘사와 중반부를 넘어 겨울을 배경으로 하는 장면들은 영상미 또한 매우 아름답다

어떤 전쟁영화보다도 사실적인 묘사가 뛰어나다고 생각되는 작품이다

전쟁영화를 좋아하지 않는 사람들도 이영화만큼은 추천하고 싶다

저자 스티븐 E. 앰브로스 가 쓴 실화 소설 밴드 오브 브라더스를 원작으로 한다

극중 전개를 하는 리처트윈터스의 묘사가 사실감을 더해주며 중간중간 나오는 현재

생존자들의 인터뷰는 더욱 많은 정보를 얻게 해준다

이미 라이언 일병 구하기를 찍었던 스티븐 스필버그와 톰 행크스가 공동 제작하였고

톰행크스가 감독을 맡았다

2001년도 미국에서 첫방송 되었고 그후 유럽까지 엄청난 시청률로 인기 몰이를 하기도 했다

국내에서도 케이블 tv 를 통해 방영된적이 있다

앞으로 이만한 전쟁 영화가 또 나올지가 의문스러울 정도의 대작이라 생각된다

이글을 읽는 사람들에게 가장 추천하는 지금까지 보아온 최고의 미니시리즈 이며 영화라고

말하고 싶다

'잡생각' 카테고리의 다른 글

야후 실시간 감시 무료 백신  (0) 2007.12.26
혼자하기 좋은 게임 스토쿠..  (0) 2007.12.17
내가 사용하는 프로그램은??  (0) 2007.12.15
주간 소프트웨어 다운로드 순위  (0) 2007.12.15
알약에 대한 생각  (0) 2007.12.14
Posted by 고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
IT2007. 12. 10. 17:22

A computer without a firewall is easy prey for hackers, worms, remote access Trojans and other online threats. Anti-spyware and virus protection are only a part of any security solution. A firewall is a critical component, and Webroot Desktop Firewall secures your computer from Internet threats and reduces the risks of being a victim of online crimes. Unlike the Windows XP and Vista Firewall, Webroot Desktop Firewall combines intelligent firewall technology with intrusion prevention for inbound and outbound protection that is both powerful and easy to use.

Designed for novices and experts alike, Webroot Desktop Firewall is the gatekeeper to your PC.

  • Monitors Internet traffic in and out of your PC for better protection
  • Makes your PC invisible to online scammers looking for easy targets
  • Prevents remote access Trojans from hijacking your PC

What's New in Version 5.5

  • New intelligent, "learning" firewall. It "watches" what you do; then learns from your activity to only interrupt you for abnormal activity.
  • Windows Vista Compatible. Version 5.5 provides superior protection to the basic firewall features found in Windows XP and Vista, and will not cause conflicts with those features.
  • Stronger multi-layer intrusion prevention. Its multiple layers of security include desktop firewall, port manager, URL filter, process monitor, and application/system anomaly detection.

참조 : http://www.webroot.com/consumer/products/desktopfirewall/?id=DOWNLOADS_DF_Title

download : http://sales.webroot.com/downloads/registered/links/dfsetup1_1.exe

s/n : http://www.webroot.com/forms/wdfformhdlr.php?formname=desktopfirewall

 등록하면 무료키 이메일로 보내줍니다

Posted by 고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
이건뭐지?2007. 12. 10. 17:21

Features of Eraser 5.86 :

· Works with Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista and DOS. It works with any drive including IDE, SCSI and RAID. Also CD-RW's.
· Uses the Guttmann (Default), Pseudorandom Data and US DoD 5220-22.M methods.
· Erases Files and Folders.
· Erases Files/Folders that were only previously 'deleted'.
· Erases all hard drives using 'Darik's Boot and Nuke' method.
· Erases Index.dat on Reboot
· Erases Encrypted Files and Drives.
· Erases FreeSpace on 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP and DOS.
· Erases contents of the Recycle Bin.
· Erases Compressed Files and Drives.
· Erases Network Files, Floppy Disks, CD-RW, DVD-RAM, DVD-RW.
· Erases Windows Temporary Files.
· Erases Internet Cookies.
· Erases Paging (swap) file.
· Erases Internet Cache.
· Appears as an 'Erase' option on the Context Menu of Windows Explorer and Recycle Bin.
· Comes with an Eraser Scheduler that allows you to create user-defined tasks.
· Defeats File Recovery software applications Hardware tools.
· Supports FAT32 and NTFS Files Systems.
· Eraser is easy to use and comes with a dedicated support network.

What's New in Eraser 5.86 :

• 5.86 will be the last in the 5.x series, as the last few bugs were really painful to fix because of the old code and the multiple add-ons which were not part of the original program resulted in feature creep resulting in pretty unmaintainable code.
• RC2 fixes a few problems:
· Missing "Erase Unused Space" message in Explorer context menu
· Free space erase when non-elevated under Vista results in files scattered all over the AppData folder
· Some users could erase free space using the first/last 2kb option. The new behaviour (although the option could be selected) would be that NOTHING will happen, and all runs will report it as a failure. The UI could not be changed due to a flaw in the design of the program

download : http://www.scanwith.com/download_soft.php?d=1931&s=745

Posted by 고진감래 [苦盡甘來]
IT2007. 12. 10. 17:20

PC Tools Firewall Plus는 무단 사용자가 인터넷이나 네트워크를 통하여 컴퓨터로 액세스 권한을 얻지 못하도록 함으로써 귀하의 컴퓨터를 보호하는 강력한 Windows®용 무료 개인 방화벽입니다. 네트워크 Firewall Plus에 연결되는 응용 프로그램을 감시함으로써 트로이 목마, 백도어, 키로거 및 기타 멀웨어가 컴퓨터에 피해를 입히고 개인 정보를 도용하지 못하도록 예방할 수 있습니다.

PC Tools Firewall Plus는 전문가만이 아닌 일반인을 위해 특별히 설계된 고급 기술입니다. 공격과 알려진 악용에 대한 강력한 예방 기능이 기본적으로 활성화되어 숙련된 사용자들은 네트워크 방어를 최적화하기 위하여 선택적으로 IPv6 지원을 비롯한 자체 고급 패킷 필터링 규칙을 만들 수 있습니다. 설치하기만 하면 즉시 자동 계속 보호 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다.

이것이 바로 PC Tools Firewall Plus에서 귀하의 PC에 보안 유지 및 해커 방지용 정기 Smart Update, 실시간 보호 및 종합 네트워크 차폐로 보증되는 세계적 수준의 보안을 제공하는 방법입니다. PC Tools는 온라인 위협으로부터 가정 및 기업용 컴퓨터를 보호하기 위해 매일 수백만 명의 사람들이 믿고 사용하는 제품입니다.

스파이웨어, 애드웨어 및 기타 위협에 대비한 종합적인 시스템 보호를 위해 Spyware Doctor 와 함께 PC Tools Firewall Plus를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.

PC Tools Firewall Plus 기능 하이라이트

  • 작업, 서핑 및 게임을 하는 동안 PC를 보호합니다.
  • 확실한 지능형 자동 보호 기능이 있습니다.
  • 사용하기 편합니다. 초보 사용자와 전문 사용자 모두를 위해 설계되었습니다.
  • PC를 일반적인 공격으로부터 보호하는 상세 규칙이 있습니다.
  • 가장 좋은 점은 이 소프트웨어가 무료라는 점입니다. 제한 또는 시간 제약이 없습니다.

다운로드 : http://www.pctools.com/kr/firewall/download/

무료등록 : http://www.pctools.com/kr/firewall/register/

제작사(한글) : http://www.pctools.com/kr

출처 : http://www.pctools.com/

Posted by 고진감래 [苦盡甘來]